Chapter Fifty Five: It's Not All Happening Just As It Did Before

Start from the beginning

"It's the Wagon! It crashed down there!" Sam shouted and he looked up to Candillice who saw it too. 

She gave Sam a concerned look. 

They both were deciding whether to continue the mission or check the Wagon if they needed help when Candillice slowed down.

"The thrusters are out of fuel!" She exclaimed.

Sam turned around as his thrusters ran out of fuel as well and they were back to gliding. Sam reached for her hand as they were slowing down and descending. Their parachutes opened which was only a momentary relief as Sam turned to see that Adimniss and Andrew were soon to be upon them.

"Now I have you!" Adimniss shouted. 

But Andrew was casting spells to push her and slow her down.

"No, Sam give it to me!" Andrew yelled. 

The shadow vines surrounded Sam and Candillice as they descended in their parachutes, there was little they could do. 

Candillice screamed as she watch the shadow vines begin to poke holes in Sam's parachute. The vines were all around them and closing in on them.

As they were becoming covered in the darkness of the shadow vines a very bright light shined from behind them. 

Sam and Candillice watched as the light turned into an energy blast. 

This energy blast hit both Adimniss and Andrew. It caught them in its wake carrying them far away, up into the atmosphere and beyond the planet. 

Adimniss was gone but how did this happen? Sam thought. 

Candillice turned her head and was amazed to see who was floating in the sky behind them following their descent.

"Grandfather!" Candillice cried.

"It's LyrAndal!" Sam shouted with great joy.

"Is this for real?" Candillice asked.

"Yes Candillice I am very real!" LyrAndal said as he floated down with them.

The light was so bright that it was seen from the Wagon's crash site.

"Everyone's okay here. . .Hey whats that!?" Reegan shouted and pointed towards a hill where he spotted three individuals slowly descending from the sky. 

Queen TyrAnna was the first to turn around and look. She was overjoyed at the sight of Siamisha and Candillice being unharmed but when she spotted who they were with it was as though she had seen a ghost.

"Father?" TyrAnna questioned as the others gathered to view the amazing brilliant sight of what was occurring over the hill. 

They landed on the hill and the light around LyrAndal dissipated as Candillice and Sam discarded their parachutes.

"Come close to me my grand children, come you have fought very bravely this day!" LyrAndal said as he hugged them both. 

He looked at Sam and at his pendant with a smile.

"My Talisman! It has protected you well I see. . ." LyrAndal said.

"Talisman?" Sam asked.

"Yes Siamisha, I created it to keep you safe from harm for which it has performed its purpose exceedingly well. It has many other purposes, you will learn them in time," LyrAndal said as he examined the pendant Sam wore around his neck. 

Candillice smiled but then her thoughts returned to her peoples plight.

"Candillice my grand daughter be of good spirit. You promised to be strong for your people and this day you have fulfilled your promise!" LyrAndal told her. 

She smiled again and then it transformed into a dutiful look upon her face.

"LyrAndal what other purpose does the Talisman have?" Sam asked.

"One is to protect you Siamisha but it can also protect the ones you wish to be protected. And it has done this! It is doing this but you must allow them to see and learn as you do!"

"Who?" Sam asked.

"Open it and see for yourself!" LyrAndal replied. 

Sam looked at the Talisman, he gently turned and removed the cap as Candillice moved in closer to have a look. Sam and Candillice had a small peak at who was inside the Jewel of the Talisman as the bright blue light filled their eyes.

"That's who! Wow! I don't believe it!" Sam exclaimed.

"Believe it and continue to dream Siamisha. Leave the cap off as much as possible. So as you learn so will they!" He said with a wink and pointed to the Jewel. 

Candillice was overjoyed by the sight but then she looked away and walked towards LyrAndal to speak with him.

"Grandfather how are you here? I mean we all saw Adimniss kill you and Papilliowalayo took you up to the sky but we were all sure you were dead how did you do it?" Candillice asked.

"There is a powerful relic called the Ascension Drive that was brought here in that star ship you saw today. When Sam charmed it I was able to return," LyrAndal explained. 

Candillice turned to smile at Sam realizing he had brought her grandfather back to life.

"That's amazing you can stay with us and be our King again!" Candillice exclaimed.

"I am Sorry for I cannot, . . . . If I continue to stay the Ascension Drive will never reach its full potential. I must return to the forest and tend to it, yes that is where I am needed most come here now and give me a hug my grand children," LyrAndal said.

Sam and Candillice hugged LyrAndal.

"I will see you again I am sure of it! But for now I must leave you," LyrAndal said as Candillice and Sam hugged him one last time. 

As they finished their hug he was gone, Sam noticed that Tiya's Quartanitz was missing from his pocket, he looked down to see that LyrAndal had made a new statue for her, he picked it up.

"Let's get Tiya back to the Temple!" Sam said and Candillice smiled at the sight of the statue, she jumped in the air filled with excitement.

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