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"Rin-chan, you really think that you and your genin are ready for a C-rank?" 

Rin brushed off her green flak jacket, giving her father a pointed stare from across the dining table.

"They are perfectly capable of a C-rank, they have all the skills," Rin said, quite proud of them. "However, I honestly couldn't tell you if they are mentally prepared. It's all a learning experience. At least Kakashi-san will be going as well."

"It will be his teams first C-rank, you should be asking if they're ready." Rin smirked. "After all, my team is older and more experienced."

"I still worry," Hiruzen chuckled. "Just be safe."

"Don't bring anyone new home." Asuma chuckled, stepping into the room.

"Auntie is going to bring someone home?" Konohamaru asked in confusion, holding Asuma's leg.

"No, hopefully not." Asuma chuckled.

"Asuma-kun is no fun." Rin teased, walking over to Konohamaru and Asuma to ruffle both of their hair. "I have to go meet my team soon, I'll see you all in a bit when I say goodbye."

Rin scooped Konohamaru into her arms and gave him a hug, squishing him in between Asuma and herself. Konohamaru giggled as Rin smooshed her face into his. She then let them go and walked back to her father, giving him a quick hug.

"See you in a bit, tou-san, Asuma-kun, Kono-chan." Rin smiled, heading to the door.


Rin left with a smile.


Kohaku only slept after Sasuke forced him to take some medication, and when he woke up he still felt unrested.

"Kohaku-kun, you'll be fine." Sasuke reminded him. "I'll be there, and so will Kakashi-sensei and Rin-san."

"Y-you're right," Kohaku mumbled. "It's j-just nerves."

"Right, and you can get rid of them by calming down." Sasuke nodded. "So let's get going, we should be on time."



"So, you're getting a mission today?" Shikika's mother asked from her spot behind the stove.

"Yeah!" Shikika grinned. "I'll probably be leaving the village for a while!"

"Be sure you take your medication every day." Her mother said, her eyes narrowed.

Shikika smiled, despite the growing feeling of hate. "Of course okaa-san."

Shikika kept the pill she was supposed to swallow under her tongue and left the house, spitting it into the bushes as soon as she left the house. The medication made her feel weird, and she didn't like it. But her mother insisted.

She hated people who didn't like her for who she was, and she sure as hell wasn't taking medication that changed her.


"Have fun, Hiro-kun!" Hiroto's mother exclaimed, setting her ANBU mask down and enveloping her only son in a hug. "I'll be here all day!"

"Thanks, kaa-san," Hiroto smiled. "I'll be back later to pack a mission bag once I know where we're going."

"See you later."

Hiroto left the house with his wave of colour, pulling his sunglasses over his eyes once the sun hit him. He hummed a soothing tune as he walked to the meeting place.


Both team 7 and team 13 had all gathered outside of the main building for the village. The original meeting time had been set for 8 am, but Kakashi was late, as usual. On the bright side, it gave the genin of both teams plenty of time to formerly introduce themselves and get to know each other better, they would be going on a mission together after all.

Finally, Rin showed up, Kakashi in tow. Both of them smiled, but knew they weren't in the best of moods. Rin had found Kakashi had the KIA monument and had to remind him he had a team to take care of. Kakashi listened, but also reminded Rin of her own responsibilities.

"I hope you're all excited!" Rin chirped, giving each of her genin and affectionate hair tussle. "We get to leave the village for a while!"

"It has been a while since I've left Konoha." Hiroto sighed.

"Same here." Shikika added.

"It will be my first time ever leaving, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I've gone on a few trips to a few small towns nearby," Sakura said. "I wonder where we'll be going."

Both Kohaku and Sasuke were silent. It was an Uchiha thing.

"Alright!" Kakashi smiled. "Let's go get our mission."

"Sweet sweet freedom!" Rin whooped. "Onward my underlings."

Just add that one to the list of weird things Rin called her genin.


"So, team Kakashi and team Rin will be taking a joint C-rank?" Hiruzen asked for conformation, looking at the small amount of money the mission was worth.

"That's right." Kakashi sighed.

"Lay it on us!" Rin exclaimed, waving her hands in a 'bring it on' motion.

"Alright, here's the mission," The Third Hokage boomed. "You eight are to escort the client back home safely and keep him protected until he has finished construction. You are expected back in about a week or so, if it takes any longer, I expect to hear from one of the jonin."

"Got it, Hokage-sama." Kakashi chirped.

"Understood!" Rin grinned, mock saluting.

"Here is the scroll," Hiruzen said, passing it to the more trust worthy jonin (Kakashi of course, Rin pouted). "Guards, please let the client in."

The smell of alcohal seeped into the room slowly, making all the genin reflexively cringe. A man who was clearly drunk walked (stumbled) into the room, his eyes narrowing.

"I asked for a few guards," He snorted. "Not an army of children."

Hiroto looked extrememly offended. 

"Excuse me, but I'm fifteen, not a child." Hiroto huffed.

"What he said!" Shikika agreed.

"Child?!" Naruto roared. "Let me at 'im!"

Kakashi held him back.

"We do not attack clients Naruto." Kakashi scolded him.

"Control your genin Kakashi-kun." Rin teased.

"Anyway, everyone, go pack for the mission and say goodbye to everyone you need to," Kakashi sighed, ignoring Rin. "We meet at the front gates in an hour."

The office then cleared out, everyone heading in their separate directions to their homes (except the two Uchiha who lived together).


Kohaku packed quickly, telling Sasuke he was heading out early before he left the house in a hurry.

His feet carried him to a quiet, secluded part of the village. Why was it so quiet? Many shinobi and kunoichi believed that they would be haunted if they lived by the village's cemetery.

Kohaku stood in front of a grave, his eyes tracing over the name before he clenched his eyes shut.

When he opened his eyes again they were blood red, three commas spinning around his souless pupil. He unlocked his sharingan years ago, however he never told Sasuke.

He was ashamed. Who would want to gain a power at the price of their teammates? He hasn't used the sharingan for at least a year, and he planned to keep it that way.

He had another chance, and he wasn't going to screw that up.


Hope you liked this chapter. I'm trying to keep it light, but I'm also throwing in bits of their pasts and so on. I'm doing my best to keep track of everyone's past, but it's hard with several oc's. Hopefully you thinkn I'm doing a decent job with this though.

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