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At 8 am the next morning, everyone was on time. Rin claimed that she was capable of being on time when she wanted too, Shikika said that she had already been in the area, Hiroto shrugged, saying he was out on a walk. Kohaku didn't lie.

Kohaku hadn't slept, and that's exactly what his eyebags revealed and what he told his team.

Rin had flinched at the sight of his eye bags, tempted to reach for her face and rub off the concealer covering her own. She hadn't slept either. She was stuck thinking about the last time she went on a mission with a team. It had ended with a huge loss and an all-new scar.

"Well team, regardless of what you were all doing, it's time we go get our first official mission!" Rin stated. "So, to the Hokage's office!"

"We're going to his office?" Hiroto asked. "I thought only B-rank and above missions were handed out there?"

"Usually yes," Rin smiled. "But today, Tou-sama wants to give us our first mission himself!"

Rin tried not to scowl at the last bit. Knowing her father, she'd end up with the demon triplets or her nephew. She loved him to bits, but Konohamaru was a bit... Well... Hard to handle.

"So we get to see Hokage-sama himself for our mission?" Shikika asked.

"T-that's what she s-said." Kohaku replied.

"Awesome!" Shikika exclaimed.

"Alright my little minions!" Rin exclaimed. "Let us get our mission!"

"Yes, Rin-sensei!"



Hiroto glanced at Kohaku in concern. It was obvious he slept as little as Hiroto did, however, he wasn't good at hiding it. Hiroto had covered his own eye bags with some of his mom's concealer. He suspected that Shikika had used some concealer as well because she looked a bit tired.

If Rin didn't sleep well she was damn good at hiding it. She acted like her usual self.

Team 13 strode into the office, Shikika forgetting to knock as she usually did. An ANBU appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her wrist to restrain her, however, he stopped when he saw her face.

"Rin-hime!" He exclaimed. "I'm so sorry, you and your team may go in."

"Thank you." Rin replied, smiling at the tiger ANBU.

"Hey Tiger-san, how are you?" Hiroto asked politely.

"Quite well, thank you for asking, Hiroto-san." Tiger replied.

Shikika elbowed Hiroto gently.

"You know him?" Shikika asked.

"I just run into him from time to time." Hiroto replied. "Just thought I'd say hello."

Kohaku looked at Hiroto in admiration. Wishing he had that sort of confidence to even just utter good morning to a stranger. What would his clan say if they saw him now? Neither him nor Sasuke were anywhere near Itachi's skill at their age.

"Rin-chan," Hiruzen smiled. "And of course the rest of team 13, are you all ready for your mission!"

"Hell yeah!" Shikika whooped.

Hiruzen chuckled at the enthusiasm, holding a scroll out for Rin to take. Rin strode up to the desk and grabbed the scroll, unrolling it and sighing.

"How did I know we'd be stuck with babysitting?" Rin sighed. "At least it's only Konohamaru-kun."

"Uh, who's Konohamaru?" Shikika asked.

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