3 Hungry

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I spend half of the Friday afternoon watching movies and eating junk. It would be fine if I was on my period, but I'm not. I was just feeling like eating really unhealthy food.


I pause my movie and rush to my door. When I open it I see my mom standing in the hallway, struggling to carry two bags of dirty laundry. I grab one and hug it with my two hands.

"You're locked in your room the entire day. Go out, get some fresh air." She tells me as she follows me down the steps. I have to tilt my head so I can see where I'm placing my feet because the bag is blocking my view.

"I was studying." I reply. I'm not lying. Before I turned on my laptop and started watching movies I was studying for the longest time. I'm still wondering how I can do that.

"You smell like chicken wings." My mom comments, making me snarl. "Are you going out tonight?"

"I'm going over to Wes's." I say and hop down the last stair, but when I turn around, my mom stopped walking and is looking at me with a blank expression.

"Are you two dating?" She asks, but I can hear how carefully she's picking out her words.

"Mom, I told you a thousand times. We're not." I say before continuing to the wash room. I kick open it with my foot and the door makes a small creaking sound as it opens wide.

"Then what are you doing? It's suprising enough to know you're tolerating each other, and now you're hanging out?" Her voice is laced with confusion but I don't blame her. I press my lips in a tight line as I watch her enter the room.

I rarely lie to my parents, almost never. That's why they are completely aware how much my relationship with Wes has changed. But it did take them about five days to understand and get over the shock of it. It took a lot of explaining and storytelling to make them grasp the fact that we're no longer in a feud that was between us. My parents aren't stupid, and they know well enough that there is more than just a simple truce involved. The same goes for Wes's parents. They all get the hang of it, but they're confused about what we are. And that's definitely harder to explain when we don't even know that ourselves.

"I don't know how to explain it, okay?" I take out the clothes and start shoving them in the washer.

"Do you like him?" The question leaves my mouther's mouth and makes me pause for a second. I can see her mouth twitching for a smile but she keeps it normal.

"I guess." I drag and she hikes an eyebrow. That's when I look away, grabbing another piece of clothing out of the bag. "Ugh, I do."

She giggles like a schoolgirl, placing her bag down on the floor.

"I knew it." She smiles widely and helps me with the clothes. "I could've bet that one day you'd have different views on each other."

I roll my eyes at her but something about her sentence makes me think. Then a smile breaks out on my lips when I recall the conversation Wes told me that he had with her before she fell into a coma. My mother's a know-it-all, but the good kind, the one that predicts happy endings for everyone.

"How are you guys not mad at him? I mean, he did break a couple of my bones, wrestled me and constantly picked on me." I wonder.

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