Interview of @IntheDreambox

Start from the beginning

How does writing influence your life? If it does, what role does it play in it? 

Sometimes it influences me for the worse, for example, thanks to my extensive imagination I tend to build a whole romantic plot around a unsuspecting stranger’s life which include another person who may not even know them (haha). But writing helps me stay on my creative toes at all times which is a good thing C: 

What is your guilty pleasure in writing?  {Optional}  [i.e. R-rated etc.] 

WELL WRITTEN FANFICS!!!! I adore a good RougexGambit fanfic or a SabertoothxOc fanfic, really almost anything Marvel as long as I don’t dislike the characters, I also love a good ‘Sons of Anarchy’ fanfic :D! The only requirement to my fanfic adoration is that they portray the characters in character and not twist the character, like for instance making sabertooth (who is a cold hearted murderer) a loving puppy or a softy guy. IT BOTHERS ME. 

Where do you write your stories? And when is your best time to do so? 

I write them on my laptop computer usually sitting on my bed, the best time to write for me is when I am not tired, so being a night owl, usually around 9pm C: 

Your reading rituals 

What is your favorite type of stories to read? [Genres] 

Romance, fanfic, and horror, but mostly romance! 

When do you normally read? And also, where do you read? [i.e. mobile sites {iPod, Samsung etc.}, or internet sites] 

I usually read at night like from 10 pm to 1 or 2 am and I read on my iPod touch on wattpad or fanfiction C: 

Who are your top 5 favorite authors on Wattpad? [You can exceed 5 if needed] 

Oh man, okay I don’t read much on fanfic because its hard for me to get into a book, so I don’t really have any on wattpad so instead I’ll name my top 5 fanfics that I love on, this is in no order: 

Shameless by BethyBathory  

What the cat dragged in by Psyche b. Mused 

The only exception by Rogue237 

The Victor by Fyrefly 

Xmen: Thorns by firedance28 

These are all Xmen fanfics btw C: 

Who’s writing inspires you? [Both professional and Wattpaders.] 

Just a bunch of people both pros and wattpaders :D ! 

What are your 5 favorite books on Wattpad? [Only 5 this time ;D] 

Sadistic Love- Oceanbluemockingbird 

The Cheerleader and the Cage fighter are dance partners –princess rose 

Hell in Heels- T-racer 

Want to see where my tattoos lead?- vramo011 

Persuade me- eflagella 

Bonus/Extra questions! 

Who are your closest friends on Wattpad? [Optional] 

Elb473 is my dearest editor :D 

Heather3295 is my best friend ^u^ 

What is your favorite catch phrase/ thing to say? 

Depends on the situation 

“Multiple attachments!” is a nerdy COD joke I use to annoy my friends 

“I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER!” is what I scream when I completed something awesome. 

There is lots more but those are my main ones (haha) 

If you could wish for anything, what would it be? 

More wishes duuuuh (and my own personal Michael Raymond James ;D ) 

What is your lucky number, animal, letter, or even day? 

-1 is my lucky number, I like bears the letter C is cool and I don’t really have a day…yet  

What books would you recommend to others? 

‘The Devouring’ was really good for those who enjoy a good horror book :D 

Last question of the interview, What are all your stories on your profile? Give a brief description of each. [Optional] {5-10 sentences} [Give as many of your stories as you want]  

Auctioned Hearts- Its set in the future where auctioning off dates is the norm thing to do when you are poor. A girl named Chenoa is forced into that position because her family is poor so she is auctioned off and won by Demyan Levontav who is the world’s hottest celebrity and CEO of Levontav foods corp. On Chenoa’s journey she soon meets Peyton Meelin who is also a celebrity techno artist, Peyton and Demyan are rivals and both competing for Chenoa’s affections whereas Chenoa is faced with a greater problem than the rivalry between the two celebrities. 

Just Try and Stop me- Cj is the school’s most notorious delinquent and has a virtuoso for trouble. When March Slater is the handsome young new teacher at the school the first thing he does is gets on Cjs bad side. Well, a huge prank later lands Cj in school counseling for the year with none other than March Slater, little does Cj know, March as a dirty little secret that may end up being the death of Cj. 

Heat wave- Is a story I have left behind and will work on eventually C: 

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