The Man from Before

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I knocked on his door, my small bag hanging on my shoulder, my hands desperately patting down my hair, which had frizzed up the humidity. The door opened up soon after that, and I was met with a casually dressed Aizawa. "Hey, (Y/N)." He said as he let me in.

"You can just leave your bag on the dining room table." I did as he said.

After I put down my bag, I wandered out into the living room. Aizawa looked up at me and patted a spot next to him on the sofa. "Okay," he started with a sigh. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Hmm, whatever you feel like, it's all fine."

He put on some random movie and sat back.

The movie was actually a very nice romantic story. Anyways, about two hours into the movie, the protagonist was at her doorstep saying goodbye to her boyfriend. They were giving each other a kiss goodbye. However, this time things got a bit.... Intense.

Actually not a bit, more like a lot.

It was at that point I realized that Aizawa and I had slowly shifted positions throughout the movie. I was now leaning on his shoulder, and one of his hands were one my waist. I became unnaturally still, like a statue. With the scene happening on the TV, I was becoming very aware of every cubic inch of my body that was touching his. The way home fingers had suddenly curled ever-so-slightly around my waist.

I also noticed how the casual feeling in the room had disappeared, replaced with a suffocating silence in the room that was only broken by the intense noises coming from the TV.

The scene felt as if it would last forever. As soon as the scene ended though, the channel cut to a commercial break, which sent the tension skyrocketing.

Shota cleared his throat. "I'm going to go get something to drink..."

I pushed myself off of him. "Can you bring me a glass of water?" He nodded and walked off to the kitchen.

When he returned I noticed that he only had one glass, which he handed to me. He quickly explained how he had been being a bit lady with the dishes. "But what about you? We could share this one." I said, before quickly adding "If you don't mind."

"Fine by me." He said before taking the cup out of my hand and sipping out of it.

The movie was only a bit longer, so it wasn't that late when it ended.

After sitting around for a few minutes, he asked me what I wanted to do next. I took a glance out the window. "How about we take a walk, it looks really nice out."

He nodded, and before long, we were heading down the sidewalk. The sun was setting, making the horizon a beautiful red, and the sky above us a faded dull yellow. I could see the stars faintly behind perfect white puffy clouds. All in all, it may have been the most perfect conditions for a stroll.

As Shota and I talked softly, I heard footsteps coming up behind us. I took a quick glance back.

Approaching us fast were two men. I worriedly took his hand to get his attention. When he placed down at me, I cocked my head to the side, motioning subtly to the men. "Someone's following us."

He glanced behind us at the men, who were very close to us at that point. Shota didn't seem worried, though, as he kept on walking at a nonchalant pace. His expression was unreadable when I watched his face closely for some sort of reaction.

For a few minutes this slow chasing went on, though the men stayed a close ten feet behind us.

Suddenly, as the dread in my throat reached an all-time-high, the taller of the two men started splitting away from his partner. Right towards us.

When he was about five feet away, Shota made a swift spin around to face them.

"Alright you two, why are you following us?" He asked in an irritated tone. The man made no response, only grinning. I recognized him then. "Wait don't---!" I started, but stopped when Shota's expression crumbled. I quickly took a few steps away from the man.

It was him! The one who used his quirk on me during the attack at the school.

Shota was obviously struggling not to give in to his quirk, but he couldn't seem to get enough control to use is own. "Run." He choked out. "(Y/N)---" And then he dropped.

I, with a look of pure terror on my face, spun around and raced down the road, where there was a phone booth. The other man followed close on my tail, and I felt his fingers grasp at the back of my shirt.

With all my might I raced ahead of him by about thirty feet. "Oh my God! Oh my God!" I exclaimed as I threw myself in the phone booth, slamming the door shit and pushing my whole weight on it so it stayed closed.

He banged his fists on the box as I dialed nine-one-one with quivering hands.

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"

"(Street Name)! They attacked me and my friend and they used- well one of them used his quirk on him!--" There was a very loud noise from down the road, which caused the man punding on the phone booth door to turn around.

"Ma'am?" Asked the woman on the phone, "Ma'am?" But I couldn't respond as I gaped at the sight down the street. Another loud noise, or what I now knew as a crunch echoed, and my my breath caught in my throat at the sight of the man from before slamming Shota's face into the concrete again.

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