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I ripped my earbuds off and whirled around in my chair to see Shota. "What? All I was doing was listening to music... I noticed you behind me and just didn't say anything... Besides, even if I wasn't paying attention, I would definitely notice someone walking in, at least." I said, which was only half true. Because I didn't say anything. However... I didn't notice him. 

Shota gave me a blank stare. "If you noticed me then why did you jump as soon as I started talking?" 

"Because- Uh..." I trailed off with a sigh. "You got me there, buddy." 

His eyebrow raised slightly at the word buddy, but he didn't mention it. "Anyways, you've got to understand the importance of keeping guard at all times. Especially now, with all of the villains swarming about our school like bees. Do you know about the panic button yet?" I shook my head, and he reached underneath the desk and pointed at a small black button, hidden from sight. "If you ever see anyone like that come into the building, click this. It will alert teachers to get the students out or fight, and it will also alert the police. You said you took training courses, right?" I replied with a yes. "Well, as soon as you've clicked that button, you need to get students who weren't in their classrooms out. Depending on what type of villain it is, some of us teachers may be more likely to leave the class and fight. If you stumble upon a classroom with students in it, get them out as well." 

I nodded and glanced at the button one last time to be sure I knew where it was. Hopefully, though, I wouldn't ever have to click it. "What if somebody accidentally pushes it?" 

"Don't." said Shota, and then he made his way around the desk and out of my office. 

When I walked into the school the next day, there was a lonely coffee cup sitting on my desk, and it had my name written on it. Strange. Once I realized that it was (insert favorite coffee type) I immediately started drinking it. I had to go pass out letters to the teachers before the first bell rang, but besides that, I had a pretty chill day. 

Making sure to keep my coffee in one hand, I stacked all of the papers on top of one another and started off down the hallways, stopping at each of their classrooms, where they directed me where to put them, and then I would struggle to get just the right amount of paper off of the stack. I suppose that they were letters for the students to take home, because they all had names written across the top. 

"I wanted to make up for taking your coffee yesterday," Shota said when I finally reached his classroom. "You can just give me the papers." He hardly even glanced up. But I wasn't complaining since all of the other teachers had made me put them on specific desks. "How did you know that (coffee type) was my favorite?" I asked as I carefully took the papers off of the diminishing stack of letters in my hand. He took them from me and shrugged. "Lucky guess." 

"Ah, well, thanks for getting it." I said on the way out. 

Finally, I was done passing out papers, and happily sitting at my desk. About two minutes after the tardy bell rang, I could see the same kid from yesterday racing in through the front doors and into the office area. His hair was tousled and he looked upset. "You okay there, kid?" I asked, already preparing a tardy slip. 

"Yeah! I just- You know- I kind of ran all the way here, and- well... Anyways, it doesn't matter, I have to get to class." 

"Of course," I said, and handed him the slip, to which he responded by racing down the hallway. I didn't even have a chance to tell him not to run before he was around the corner. Instead, I just shook my head and went back to work. 

Secretary Quirkless (Aizawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now