An Irritating Interview

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(L/N) = Last Name

Staring up at the white walled archways of the high school I had only ever dreamed of, my stomach curled up in knots, overwhelming anxiety threatening to send me away yet again.

I was determined, however, to make it into the doors this time. I had to cancel once just because my feelings got the best of me already, and I was not about to let them down again, especially if I was planning on getting a job at the place. 

Finally, after what seemed like a good solid hour of contemplating, I pushed open the doors and looked into the grand building that I had only seen in pictures online. 

The glorious, fabulous, luxurious walls of UA stood before me, my spine tingling at the thought that I might one day work here. A good thought that I tried to hold onto before the interview with the board of teachers. 

I had done some research on all of them, talked to some past secretaries just to know what I was in for. All of them had one thing in common; A quirk. 

From the teachers, to the nurses, to the secretaries, to the students. Every last one of them had that one factor in common. Though some of them had grander ones than others, that one thing was there in all of them. Except for me. 

I felt so strangely out of place here, and tried to hold back the sickening feeling that I was inferior to all of them, and that I was only going to embarrass myself the second the interview started. 

I didn't think that the principal was going to be the one that would talk down to me, from what I've heard of him, he's the nicest thing ever. It's the teachers and the rest of the board I'm worried about. It is a hero school, after all. 

And what would a quirkless girl like me be doing in a school for heroes? 

That is the thing, isn't it? Ever since I was born I wanted to do all that I could to become a hero. Not so much the fighting part, though. I more wanted to help people, and protect. This seems to be the best thing that I can do to help. 

They'll never let me be a teacher, I know that much. 

But becoming the secretary is the second best thing, I suppose. It's my small way to help. I just hope that the board will realize that.

I walked up to the desk with shaking hands, and smiled at the soon-to-retire secretary. "Hello, miss." 

She looked up at me with her wrinkled eyes and gave me a smile. "Hello, you must be Ms. (L/N)? For the interview?" 

I nodded quickly, and her gaze softened once I did. "I hope that you get the job, dear. Sooner someone does, the sooner I get to lazy about all day, huh?" She chuckled, and so did I. 

"Anyways, I'll show you to the board," Said the lady as she rose, and I realized she was only about four feet tall. "It may not be the same as when I interviewed, since it was so long ago, but let me prepare you a bit." 

Then they started off down a long series of hallways, and up a flight of stairs. "When I first leave you in that room, it'll be only Nezu. He'll give you a long interview, and you'll be wanted to go home, when all the sudden the teachers come in and that interview will be much shorter, a question from each of them, possibly two. Then you'll leave, and get to wait here while they deliberate. Should only be half an hour or so before they make up their minds." She stopped abruptly at a door, patted me on the back, and then turned to go back to the lobby. 

I took a long, steadying breath, tidied my hair and straightened my shirt, and then opened the door. 

There was a small, white creature sitting in a chair at the end of a long table, who I knew as Principal Nezu. "Hello there (Y/N)! Please have a seat here," He said in a cheery tone, motioning to a chair to the right of him. I sat down. 

Secretary Quirkless (Aizawa x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن