Ice Skating

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A/N: I'm just saying now, I know absolutely nothing about ice skating (except for what I saw on Y!OI) so bear with me :) Also this chapter is a bit boring but also cute. Sorry. 

I gaped at Nemuri as soon as she finished talking. "There is absolutely no way that he's only going because of me. Probably just felt sorry that I don't really know anyone yet." 

"(Y/N), listen to me," She started, turning on the ignition and starting off down the road. "I've been working here a while now, and I've gotten to know pretty much all of the staff. From what I've seen, Shota didn't really talk to anyone, didn't really become friends with anyone, and definitely didn't let anyone stay at his house-" 

"How did you know about that?!" 

"Shh- What I'm trying to say, though, is that you seem to be different to him. He doesn't push you away like he does everyone else. You know, Hizashi and I have been trying to get him to do other things besides his work, and after years, we still haven't gotten through. He even told me that friendship was irrational. Irrational. Yet, in a week, you have talked and hung out with him more than any of us. He likes you." 


"You can't even deny it, he likes you, and from that blush on your face right now I think you feel the same." 

I sputtered, and turned away. "Even if we both have feeling for each other, I don't... I'm not ever going to work up the courage to act on it." 

"Honey, don't even worry about that. Don't even think about confessing to him or anything. He'll do it soon, I can tell. Hmm... Maybe he'll steal your keys again-" 


"Why do you think they were in his classroom? He wanted you to come to his house." 

"Oh my gosh stop-" 

She giggled, and we pulled up to the skating rink. Standing outside was Shota, who was clad in a black sweater, and had his hair pulled back, and Hizashi, who was flailing wildly at him. Shota obviously wasn't into it, though, since his arms were crossed and he looked like he wanted to punch a wall. 

Nemuri waved at them as we exited the car, and Hizashi started screeching a 'hello'. "Why did I have to go with him? Now I need a drink..." Muttered Shota, rubbing his temples. I grinned. "I was worried you two ditched us for a moment!" Said the blonde, throwing his arm across Nemuri's shoulders, to which she responded by shoving him at the wall. 

We walked up to this stand thing, and rented ice skates. I sat down on a bench and laced them up. Shota was the first one done, and I could tell that he came here a lot. I was the last one to get them on, and as I followed them to the main part of the rink, I knew that I was going to fall. A lot. Shota noticed my unsteady demeanor, and slowed down to my speed. "Have you done this before?" 

I didn't have a chance to answer, because my feet were sliding out from under me, and I had to grab onto his arm to keep myself up. "Take a guess." I huffed, wobbling like a little kid. He smiled. "It's okay, I can teach you." He said, and it seemed like he was expecting something like this. I suddenly realized that I was still gripping his arm, and dropped my hands... And then I smacked into the ground. He snickered a bit, and pulled me up, except this time, I didn't let go of his arm.

I had just gotten to the point where I could stand on my own, which had taken about a half an hour. At that point Shota told me to try and skate around the rink, to which I responded by laughing. "I'm not sure I can do that..." I said, looking around at the seemingly endless rink before me. "Don't worry, I'll stay right next to you, just try not to use me as a crutch, or else you're never going to learn." 

I sighed and pushed myself away from the railing on the edge of the rink, and I tried to move along the side without stumbling. Basically, I had the same frantic face as a baby deer or something trying to walk for the first time. It was pathetic. I had made about three-fourths around the rink, when someone raced right past me, bumping my shoulder and I started falling backwards. I scrunched my eyes shut in preparation for when I smacked down on the ice... Only it never happened. When I finally opened my eyes I realized that Shota had caught me, and was shooting death glares at the person who bumped into me. We were in such close proximity that I could smell his cologne. Before I started blushing too bad, I pulled myself off of him and scratched the back of my neck. "Um-" 

"(Y/N)! Shota! We're heading out now, okay?" Hizashi butted in and wrapped his arms around our shoulders, a wide grin on his face. "How'd it go? You finally learn how to skate?" 

"Oh yeah! I can't go more than five minutes without falling but I guess you could say I can skate." 

"That's great! And better than me sometimes..." 

I giggled, and we were about to go to the cars when Nemuri pushed me towards the boys. "Go with your man~" 

"Oh my gosh no-" 

"Guys!" Nemuri called to Shota and Hizashi. "I just got called in for hero work, and I need to get there stat, so please take (Y/N) home." 

"Of course!" Replied Hizashi before I could interject, and at that point it wouldn't have mattered because Nemuri was already hurrying off down the parking lot. 

"You know what my house isn't very far away from here I can just walk..." 

"Me too." Shota said back, causing Hizashi to squint at him, because his house was at least thirty minutes away by car. At least. "...Alright. Bye, I guess." He said, walking off to his car. Then it was just Shota and I. Oh boy

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