Freaking Out

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The doctor called in a nurse. The nurse came in and pushed two pillows under Millie's lower back and spread Millie's legs putting her in an uncomfortable position. Mrs. Brown left the room.

"Millie you've got to relax or this is going to be really hard." the doctor said putting gloves on. 

Millie hid her face behind Baylee gripping on her for dear life.

The doctor began touching her and neither Millie or Baylee were for it.

"Hey quit." Baylee said and sat up. 

"Excuse me?" The doctor said.

"Stop it. Leave her alone." Baylee said.

"I'm going to ask you to leave the room." the doctor said.

"No. Now get your grubby hands off of her." Baylee said and pushed his hands away from Millie. 

"You're being disruptive get out." The doctor said.

"Please stop!" Millie shouted as the doctor touched her again. Baylee shoved his hand away.

He smacked Millie in anger and in the blink of an eye Baylee had him against the wall.

"Hey! No one touches her but me you hear!" Baylee yelled and threw him on the ground. He shook in fear at her strength. He got up and he and the nurse left. Baylee got Millie dressed and scooped her up.

"Thank you- thank you so much-" Millie bawled. Baylee carried her out of the room.

"Hey, hey what's going on?" Mrs. Brown said but Baylee kept walking.

"Hey where are you going?" Mrs. Brown said getting up.

"I'm taking her home." Baylee growled and kept going. Mrs. Brown left and the car ride was silent other than Millie's occasional sniffling. 

All was well for three days before Millie had another attack. She was laying in bed and Baylee had just come into her room from being down stairs. Millie groaned.

"Hey momma." Baylee smiled getting in bed.

"Babys moving." Millie moaned rolling over. Baylee rubbed Millie's belly under the covers.

Millie pushed Baylee's hand harder into her stomach.

"Hey. Pressure won't help Mills." Baylee said.

"It feels like it does." Millie said.

"Well you don't want anything to push on you too hard. You might bust." Baylee teased.

"Shut up and hold me." Millie whined. Baylee sat up and Millie sat in her lap. It was a mild attack and lasted very shortly. Millie sat up reading after Baylee got up and was cleaning around the room. Baylee finished and laid on the bed with her head in Millie's lap. Millie had one hand holding her book and the other twirling Baylee's hair. 

Before she knew it, Millie noticed Baylee was fast asleep. Millie smiled at the sight, she felt loved and trusted. 

Baylee tossed around a while before sitting up and resting her face on Millie's shoulder and putting her arm over her. Her arm rested on Millie's belly right under her boobs which were a little sore but Millie wouldn't make Baylee wake up and move for the world.  

"Mills?" Baylee mumbled as she woke up. She moved and yawned taking all the warmth away with her.

"Hey don't move. You're warm." Millie said. Baylee moved back over to her. 

"Whatcha readin'?" Baylee asked.

"A book on how to take care of a baby." Millie grinned. Baylee put her hand on it and pushed it down.

"Hey!" Millie said.

"You don't need to read that. You already know how." Baylee mumbled. 

"Well no. Believe it or not I do not know everything, and I bet you didn't know there are a few ways to tie a diaper and one is better than the other." Millie said. Baylee smiled and shut her eyes. She rested her hand on Millie's belly and rubbed it a minute.

Millie pulled the book back up and continued reading. Baylee's hand wondered up a ways right under Millie's breast.

"Hey careful I'm sore." Millie warned. Baylee sat up off the backboard of the bed and sat on Millie's legs facing her. Millie set her book down after marking the page number she was on.

"What'd you say we go take a warm shower?" Baylee said. Millie gave her a smirk and pulled her book back up and continued reading.

"Heyyy..." Baylee whined.

"I'm reading." Millie grinned.

"You can't just ignore me." Baylee pouted and put her face over the book.

"I'm not listening." Millie giggled. 

"Do you want me to make you listen?" Baylee grinned as she spoke in Millie's ear.

"Did you say something?" Millie teased. Baylee sat back on her knees and took Millie by the ankles and pulled her to her where her legs were spread around Baylee. Millie grinned but kept her book open.

"What are you gonna do?" Millie laughed.

"I'm gonna hurt you." Baylee grinned.

"You wouldn't." Millie said. Baylee smirked. In a solid move she lifted Millie's shirt and unbuttoned the front of Millie's bra and held a hand on Millie's breast.

"O-ok ok you win." Millie said putting her book down quickly. 

Baylee began massaging Millie.

"G-gentle I'm not kidding they're super sore." Millie said wincing a little. Baylee let go a bit to Millie's dismay. Baylee hopped up and scooped Millie up. She went into their bathroom and turned the shower on. She set Millie onto the toilet and undressed her. Baylee held her head inches away from Millie's opening between her legs.

"D-don't tease." Millie whined gripping the back of Baylee's head.

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