Laying Next To You

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"Hey why don't you spend the night?" Millie asked.

"Ask your parent's first." Baylee said. Millie called her mom. Her mom agreed and they went to Baylee's house to get clothes. There were boys outside smoking. Baylee picked Millie up in a piggy back ride. 

"What is that smell?" Millie coughed.

"That's weed honey. Want some?" A boy said.

"Shut up G. Stay the hell away from her." Baylee snapped in a tone Millie had never heard before.

"Oh is this the little disabled one? Wonder what it's like to-" he began.

"G! Shut your goddamn mouth!" Brody interrupted. Baylee went inside.

"Thanks pops." Baylee said and went to her room. 

"This is it." Baylee said and set Millie on the bed.

"Baylee... it's a mess. Look at this. So much potential but your clothes are all on the floor." Millie said.

"Alright mom." Baylee laughed. Millie rolled her eyes and laughed. 

Baylee packed and before they knew it they were at Millie's house. Baylee rolled her to the front step and Millie knocked. Her little sister answered grinning.

"Hi Baylee." She grinned. 

"Hey Ava." Baylee laughed.

"Hello to you too." Millie said. Ava stuck her tongue out than grinned.  

Baylee rolled Millie to her room.

"Shoot." Millie muttered.

"What's up?" Baylee said.

"Mom and dad are out and so is Paige... Charlie's here but he can't-" Millie said. She suddenly looked shy, upset, and very insecure.

"What's up?" Baylee asked.

"I-" Millie's voice broke.

Baylee crouched in front of her so she could see her face and took her hand.

"What is it?" Baylee asked.

"I've got to pee..." Millie said.

"Ok?" Baylee said.

"I need help..." Millie said.

"Ok well what do you need? I can just set you on it and you can work your pants up and down from there right?" Baylee said. Millie nodded her head no.

"I can't get them back up..." Millie said.

"I can keep my eyes shut." Baylee said.

"Would you mind...?" Millie said.

"Not at all." Baylee said then picked Millie up. 

They maneuvered until Millie said she was done. Baylee lifted her and Millie held around Baylee's neck entirely rigid until Baylee got her pants up. Millie was red when Baylee got her back to the bed.

"Millie it's alright. Really I promise." Baylee said. Millie nodded as an ok but stayed silent. 

"I just don't get it..." Millie said.

"Don't get what?" Baylee said and sat next to Millie.

"You. You've stuck around so long... usually people get sick of me and move on." Millie said.

"Well I'm not going anywhere. I like you Mills. I like you a lot. And I mean I dunno. You've stuck around me." Baylee said.

"I like you too but-" Millie stopped dead sentence as tears filled her eyes.

"B-but what?" Baylee said a little worried.

"I think I like you a little more than I should. I can't exactly say it but I think we both know what I mean." Millie said breaking down a little.

"Mills." Baylee said and gently made Millie look at her. Baylee put her arm over Millie and Millie leaned into her. Baylee kissed the top of her head and rested her face on Millie's head. 

"Does anyone else know?" Baylee asked. Millie nodded her head no and looked up at Baylee. Baylee could feel Millie's eyes staring at her lips. Baylee leaned in a little but Millie stopped her.

"I- I've never done this... I don't know how..." Millie said. Baylee smirked at her.

"Me either. Not really anyways." Baylee said. They closed their eyes and Millie connected their lips and both of them naturally fell into it before pulling away both blushing and both staring at the others beauty in awe. 

"So Brown. Does this make you my girlfriend?" Baylee grinned.

"Do you even have to ask!" Millie smiled and they hugged tight. They fell asleep cuddling close. Millie had her head in Baylee's chest and Baylee had her arm and leg over Millie. The next morning Millie woke Baylee up after admiring her cute sleeping face. 

"B... Baylee wake up." Millie grinned. Baylee wrapped her arms around Millie. 

"Just a few more minutes." Baylee groaned. 

"Ok." Millie blushed and put her arms around Baylee. 

Baylee's hair was a standing mess when she sat up. She ran her fingers through it and it all went straight. 

"Help me up?" Millie said. Baylee looked down at her. She smirked and rolled so that she was in between Millie's legs but Baylee laid on her belly.

"And what if I don't?" Baylee grinned. Millie tucked Baylee's hair behind her ear.

"Then I won't be able to make you breakfast." Millie said.

"I don't eat breakfast." Baylee said and rolled over and stood off the bed. 

Millie sighed. Baylee scooped her up and held Millie's legs around her waist. Millie wrapped her arms around Baylee's neck and kissed her.

"I say we go out today and get some ice cream." Baylee said.

"Let's do it." Millie grinned. They went downstairs after brushing their teeth, brushing their hair, and dressing themselves. 

"Millie your wheelchair!" Paige called as they went through the door.

"I don't need it!" Millie smiled and Baylee grinned and shut the door.

"Hey what's that on your bike?" Millie asked.

"Surprise." Baylee grinned. Millie looked at the bike and saw straps for her legs.

"Oh my gosh!" Millie grinned.

"Here see it they work." Baylee said and set Millie on the motorcycle. Millie maneuvered her legs in and buckled them in.

"You can pop it off too. Incase we ever got in a wreck you can break loose and they'll be like shin guards." Baylee said. Millie pulled Baylee to her and then pulled her neck down and kissed her.

"I'll take that as you like it?" Baylee grinned.

"I love it." Millie smiled.

"Good because I'll be taking you to and from school." Baylee smiled.

"Hey you even got a tie for my chair." Millie smiled and observed.

"Yep and get this." Baylee said. She pulled Millie's leg and the straps moved forward.

"Incase you ever want to drive." Baylee grinned. Millie smiled as tears rolled down her face.

The Girl In The Wheelchair (MILLIE BOBBY BROWN GAY)Where stories live. Discover now