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Millie popped the guards off the bike and reached for Baylee who happily scooped her up.

"You don't know what this all means to me." Millie sniffled.

"Hey, anything for you." Baylee hugged her and comforted her.

"You like it?" Mr. Brown said walking over smiling.

"Dad? Did you help?" Millie asked and looked back and fourth between he and Baylee.

"Baylee may or may not have tipped me and her dad off to do it and gotten the parts." he said.

"Thanks. Like a lot." Millie sniffled.

He grinned then headed back inside.

"So are you gonna drive or what?" Baylee asked.

"I don't know..." Millie said.

"How about up and down the road a few times?" Baylee said.

"Ok but you've got to help me." Millie said.

"Of course." Baylee grinned and set Millie in and Millie buckled herself in. 

Baylee hopped on behind her and put a helmet on her and then pulled out another for herself.

Baylee put her arms around Millie and explained how to go and stop which was easy. They went up and down the road a few times.

"Mills why don't you drive us to the store?" Baylee smiled.

"No no I'm good." Millie laughed and stopped the motorcycle. She and Baylee switched spots and Baylee drove them there.

"One of these days I will get you to." Baylee laughed.

"I'm sure you will." Millie laughed. They got there and Baylee lifted Millie onto her back. She worked the shin guard clips off and locked them under the chair compartment. 

She piggyback rode Millie in. They went in and got behind a lady and her son.

"Mom can you give me a piggy back ride too?" he asked.

"No honey." his mom grinned.

"Don't you get tired carrying her?" his mom asked. She wasn't trying to be rude.

"Nope. Never." Baylee smiled.

"I can't exactly walk..." Millie explained.

"Oh... Oh! Oh my God I'm so sorry sweetie." she apologized. 

"No its ok!" Millie smiled. The lady felt awkward. Baylee paid for their ice creams and they ate and began driving home when suddenly Baylee sped up.

"Shit." Baylee growled.

"Hey what's going on?" Millie said.

"It's Ester." Baylee said weaving past cars speeding up along the way.

"Baylee! Be careful!" Millie said.

"Hold on!" Baylee snapped and sped up. Millie looked behind them to see a black van speeding behind them. 

"Baylee what does she want?" Millie asked.

"Me, I've got to get you safe." Baylee said. She went down an alley so she couldn't be followed and pulled into her home.

She got off the bike and grabbed Millie.

Tess answered.

"Tess take Millie home Ester is back." Baylee breathed.

"What no! Get inside!" Tess said.

"No Tess get Millie safe!" Baylee argued. Tess snatched Baylee by her arm and pulled her into the house. Baylee looked furious. She carried Millie to her room when BANG a gun went off and Baylee fell.

"Baylee!" Millie hollered. Baylee's leg was bleeding.

"Shit! Shit Millie go!" Baylee was hollering when suddenly gas filled the entire house and everyone passed out. Baylee woke up in a cell with her arms tied above her head. Her entire body ached.

She groaned and looked down to see Millie at her feet crying.

"Millie? Millie." Baylee suddenly snapped into reality. Baylee looked at her chains they could easily be opened and it was obvious that it was supposed to be like that because Millie couldn't open it.

Millie looked up at her looking in pain and afraid.

"Millie." Baylee said again trying to pull free.

"Millie you gotta open these." Baylee said.

"I- I can't-" Millie cried.

"Millie yes you can come on your strong you can pull yourself up on me." Baylee said.

"Baylee I-" Millie was crying. She spread her legs a little revealing blood.

"They..." Millie cried.

"Millie get me free. Come on." Baylee said. Millie reached up and got Baylee's feet loose. 

"Come on Mills I can lift you if you get on my knees." Baylee said. Millie pulled hard until she was up a bit and gripping on Baylee's shoulders for dear life. Baylee lifted her legs enough to lift Millie and Millie got her hands free and they fell.

Baylee held Millie tight in a hug which was returned.

"How long?" Baylee whispered.

"Two days..." Millie said. 

"Two?!" Baylee whisper yelled and looked at Millie.

"I'm so sorry..." Baylee said.

"It wasn't your fault." Millie said caressing Baylee's face.

"Yes it is. All of this is... if I had just not played P.E. that day none of this would have-" Baylee was talking when Millie interrupted.

"Don't you dare ever say that again. I love you and no matter what happens we can't break apart or think like that. Because I'm not mad at you no one is mad at you ok?" Millie sniffled.

"Your parents will be. And they should  be. And you should be too." Baylee said. 

"Stop it ok. You are the glue that keeps me together and you better not stop." Millie said.

"We gotta move." Baylee said. She got up and got Millie on her back. 

"This seems too easy." Baylee said as she opened the cell door. Baylee moved Millie so that she was carrying her like a little kid on her hip. Baylee tucked some of Millie's short hair behind her ear as Millie gave her a fearful look.

"Baylee?!" A voice boomed.

"Oh my God... Dad?!" Baylee yelled and headed towards the voice. Guns were heard and suddenly he came running around the corner with police and Mr. Brown. 

"Dad!" Baylee and Millie both yelled. Baylee ran and they all four collided in crying hugs. Mr. Brown tried to grab Millie but she didn't let go of Baylee except with one arm.

"Are you guys ok?" Brody asked.

"I'm fine. They... they hurt Millie..." Baylee said.

"Baylee you got shot in the leg." Millie said. They all looked to see the blood on her leg and her dad knelt down.

"It grazed you but it could need stitches." He said.

"I'm fine." Baylee said. 

"We both can get looked at." Millie said. They all went to the hospital.

The Girl In The Wheelchair (MILLIE BOBBY BROWN GAY)Where stories live. Discover now