Alpha Pup

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Today of the afternoon, in Ozpin's office, Ozpin was with Glynda and Luna as they were watching out of the window, seeing Atlesian Airship, docking to the landing pad for the students.

"Ironwood certainly love bringing his work wherever he travels" Glynda said to Ozpin.

"Well, running the academy and a military makes him a busy man" Three bullhead flys in "But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore" Ozpin say to her.

"Don't forget Power hunger and metal headed" Luna said.

A beeping noise came from Ozpin desk, saying 'Access Request'.

"Bye" Luna say, leaping up on the ceiling and create an opening to escape the tower.


Y/n was in his dorm, on his bed flat as Cinder, Neo and Pyrrha were cuddling with him.

'I hate the hot and I hate the bed, not supporting us from weight ' Y/n say in his thought as he was afraid if the bed were break, it was design for only two people.

*Knock Knock*

Y/n was the only one who's was awake.

Being in the middle of a cuddle group is hard, Y/n slowly slithered down, avoiding from waking up his three girlfriends.

After a few of them moving around, Y/n had place a blanket which had pillows in it to make it feel like him, Y/n walked to the door, before.


Y/n had cracked his back from being downed by them.

Y/n open the door and revealed Team Rwby.

"Hi" Y/n said to them.

"Hi!" Say the four girls.

"You need Pyrrha, she's asleep" Y/n said pointing to the room ahead.

' This is my chance ' Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang say in their thoughts.

"No, we were just wondering if you want to play 'Remnant The Game'? Ruby asked.

"I don't know how to play" Y/n said.

"It's fine, we can show you" Says all four of them.

"Okay, I guess" Y/n said, leaving with them before he closes the door behind him.


"Where's my pup?" She mutter to herselfs.

Luna had been searching for her son,, ever since she lefted the tower.

"Does he have his scroll with him?" Luna said as she reach in her pocket on her jean.

Back to Y/n, he was with team Rwby in the Library 

"So Y/n, you have Vale and you have to take control of ours kingdom with these cards" Ruby said to Y/n as he got seven cards of destruction for taking over Remnant.

"Uh huh" Y/n only said, listening.

"So, I will go first and you will watch" Yang said, with Mistral Kingdom.

"I have unleash-" 

"Hey guys" Sun came over.

"Hey" Y/n said.

"Watch are you guys doing?" Sun ask.

"We are playing Remnant board game" Weiss said.

"Yeah, we are teaching Y/n of how to play with this" Blake said to Sun.

Shy Boy and Invincible Girl (Pyrrha x MaleReader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now