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Glynda was rounding all the students up as she didn't see Pyrrha or Y/n, so she decided to find them.

Glynda check in the Kitchen, cafe, Gym, Pond, and even the back yard but still couldn't find them.

As Glynda was heading to the boy's restroom, she spotted a group of girls as they had a expression of their face of blushing and dirty throughts, Glynda had to investigate.

Glynda went in the Girl's showers and hear one of the shower was on and could hear moaning and screaming.

"YES!! PLEASE COME IN ME DADDY~~!!!" Pyrrha scream as Glynda went closer to see Pyrrha, being pin from the shower as Y/n, with his 30 inch rod as he was ramming in Pyrrha's tight hole as Y/n had made his two hand turn into a beowolf claws and had made a small dug in her big butt as Pyrrha was enjoying it.

This causes Glynda to blush hard, seeing Y/n's red, thinking about his rod as he was pounding hard in Pyrrha, Glynda immediately lefted the girl's shower and into her dorm, to finger herselfs.

Pyrrha and Y/n were in there clean clothes, Y/n was walking with Pyrrha to the launch pad.

"So, you will be fine without me, right?" Y/n said as Pyrrha smiled and nodded.

"I promised, on the weekend, Me and you will build your weapons, but the Initiation is important for me" Pyrrha said as Y/n nodded. Y/n got accepted here because his semblance, Luck.

Y/n was in the small forest of trees as Pyrrha walk to where Ozpin was, and Glynda had messy hair, red blushy face and unprofessinal outfit.

'What happen to Her?' Y/n and Pyrrha said in their mind.

As Ozpin was talkin about the rules about the initiation, Y/n spotted something else, a male with a burnt orange hair, indigo blue eyes, a chest armor with a sparrow on his armor.

He was looking at Pyrrha, as if he was talking to her.

Y/n activated his aura and listen through it.

"Hey there sweet cheeks, Names Cardin" The male said at Pyrrha.

"Of course, that'll be the name you'll say while we are together" Cardin said as Y/n was now angry.

"Cardin, I have a boyfriend" Pyrrha said as Y/n was searching for something to throw at Him.

"Who cares about this small freak, I can give you the real deal" Y/n as founded a rock that fits in a beowolf's paw.

"Cardin, do you believe in luck?" Pyrrha asked Cardin who smirked.

"Of course, I found you" Cardin said as Pyrrha smirk at him.

"How about bad luck?" She said as she turn around, Cardin did the same thing too but a rock in a fast speed had impact on Cardin's bird seeds and sends him flying into the forest in a speed of a bullet.

Every boys were shaking and was protecting their bean bag and didn't make a move and choose to ignore her now. Ozpin and Glynda were shock that a rock, came and hit Cardin and sents him flying.

Y/n smirked as his eyes weren't dark blue but red.

"That'll teach them a lesson about me" Y/n said as his eyes turn to blue and walks off, leaving the scene and back to Beacon, waiting for Pyrrha.


In the auditorium, three teams, RWBY, JNPR and CRDl with Cardin with a ice pack on his destroyed sack, Y/n was beside Glynda as Pyrrha was jealous that Glynda wa close to him now.

"And Y/n L/n" Y/n walk in front of the three teams as Ozpin spoke.

"Due to your relationship with Pyrrha, you didn't come to the Initiation and didn't have a weapon, therefore you were be expell from Beacon" It causes all the students in beacon to a gasped horror, they all know that Pyrrha love is only for Y/n, and were do anything to keep in going.

"But after I founded this" Ozpin said as he press on his scroll and a video from the morning in Inititation, Y/n, in the forest, transformed his right arm into a beowolf arms, and throw it at Cardin.

"You had manage to throw a rock that harmed Cardin's. .  .bag, and made him flying to the temple and with a incredible strength too" Ozpin said as multiple cameras were watching Cardin as braches, other rocks were hitting Cardin in his sack as well and landed into a pile of castus on his sack, eveyone were laughing at Cardin, even his team too.

"So I throught and maybe you strength can be use to train the students and see how good they are with their shooting, so Pyrrha and Y/n, you two will be living in a custom dorm that I order, from Y/n's transcripts and with everything you two needed" Ozpin said as the students, mostly the girls were cheering at Y/n and Pyrrha. Pyrrha runs toward Y/n and began to kisses him, as Ozpin was talking to himself.

"This year might be an interesting year"

In the night of space, beside the cracked moon, a portal opened up to show a ship that is larger then atlas airships.

In the night of space, beside the cracked moon, a portal opened up to show a ship that is larger then atlas airships

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In the bridge of the ship, robots were inside as the one in the main chair, it was different then the rest. It has a red dot on it's face as the face look like a hoodie, and is not showing any wires or cricuts weren't showing.

The new robot was swiping or touching on the padel as Y/n's face had show on the screen.

"We found him" The robot said as it voice was vibarating as the other ones had raises theit hands up in cheers.

"Activate B-2-5-12" It said as one robot, pinned the numbers in.

Outside the ship, a pod had shotted out from the bottom of the ship and was landing down to Beacon.

"Y/n Kotch, we are here to aid you" The robot said as the screen turned to black.

End of the Chapter

Shy Boy and Invincible Girl (Pyrrha x MaleReader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now