Chapter 77: Cave or Getaway.

Start from the beginning

Said the inner voice inside my head pitifully.
I shook my head to stop the evil voice inside my head before I lose my sanity as I rushed out of the room;

"Mayaan... where are you..."

I called out loudly while my voice echoed in the empty mansion. I hurriedly descended the stairs while dialing the undercover bodyguards whom I have hired to protect her. I was about run towards the library when I heard someone knocking the main door loudly - I disconnected the call and I rushed and opened the gigantic door and found the person behind my chaotic morning. She was standing with a black faux fur hat while her dark silky hair laid open on her shoulders and she looked like a doll standing in the snow wearing a double-breasted red frock coat over black stockings with Duck Lace Boots. She looked like a porcelain doll with her cheeks pink and her lips cherry red while the tip of her nose was pink too - she looked breathtakingly beautiful and at that moment it occurred to me that yesterday wasn't a dream or my imagination. Mayaan was here for real and the thought filled my heart with love. I hugged her taking her by a complete surprise but soon she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in the crook of my neck;

"I missed you... it feels so good to be in your arms"

She mumbled against my neck.
I felt a shiver ran down my spine when I felt her cold lips against my skin but soon my thoughts were interrupted when she spoke;

"Omair as much as I love to be in your arms but it is freezing out here..."

She complained from the weather because I almost forgot that we were standing outside in the heavy snowfall but Mayaan has no idea when she is around me the weather has no effect on me. I pulled her inside the house and took her towards my secret place - she didn't protest and walked obediently with me. As we reached our destination I received a back from the security team. I let go of Mayaan's hand and answered the call - I explained the team that I got worried when I couldn't find her in my house but now she was here with me. They said she went to meet someone at The Plaza hotel in the V.I.P suite which is booked under someone name which soon will be found and we will send you the information. I was taken back by the information but soon I ended the call but I ignored the question which was planning to rise.  I shook my head and turned to look at the lady behind my thoughts - she was standing there where I left her but now she had taken off the jacket including the faux fur hat. I realized she is wearing red velvet Mini-Fit and Flared dress with full sleeves. She was tying her in a ponytail revealing her beautiful neck but something caught my eyes and it was the pendant I had given her years ago. She is still wearing it - I walked towards when she was done with tying her hair in a graceful ponytail. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my forehead on her shoulder as I pulled her closer;

"Not you seeing you in the room scared the hell out of me and I called the team to find out about you but before I could you came,


I said as I pull back to look her face with saying;

"Please never disappear on me like that... in these few minutes I thought I might die if you didn't appear because my mind kept thinking of worst scenarios even though he is behind the bars but I couldn't stop my mind from worrying about you"

I pleaded as I gently cupped her face.
Mayaan leans on my palm while her eyes shimmered with tears;

"I promise it will never happen again.."

She said softly as she stood on her toes and planted a kiss on my cheek.
I took that as an opportunity and hugged her.

One thing is for sure... I could never stay mad at this girl in my arms...

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