Chapter 19

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When Zayn went home, he immediately went inside their room and he gasped seeing that Harry's clothes are a mess!

His tshirts and other clothes are scattered everywhere and when Zayn opened their closet, most of Harry's clothes are gone. He can't believe this happened!

Zayn grabbed his phone and dialed Harry's number and to no surprise, he didn't answered. Zayn groaned as he throw his phone at the bed and punched the wall.

What the hell happened?!

They were having so much fun eating dinner when his client became the topic. Wait, is Harry jealous? Zayn thought for a second. When Zayn told Harry that his client was a girl, Harry snapped. Zayn just realized that Harry's jealous!

You see, in their relationship, Zayn is always the jealous type. Harry never gets jealous—ever. But this time, he is! And wow, Harry's intense when he's jealous. He left Zayn. Zayn grabbed his phone and dialed Liam's number, there's a possibility that he'll be sleeping in one of their friends apartments. As Liam picked up "Hey Liam!"

"Zayn? Whats up?" Liam asked "Yeah. Are you home?" Zayn asked back "No. at a company party. Why?"

"Oh. Uh is Bella with you?" Zayn walked back and forth, back and forth "She's at home. Why? Is something the matter?" Liam asked as Zayn sighed "Uh don't worry about it Li. Have a nice night" Zayn said as he hang up.

Then Zayn tried calling Bella but she didn't answer. Harry must be there! So Zayn exited the apartment and went to Bella. Zayn took a cab to Bella's apartment and when he got there, he gulped and knocked on the door and as the door opened, Bella's silver eyes met his and she's wearing a onesie Cat with white fur and a bowl of popcorn on her hands "Zayn? Hi! What—what are you doing here?" Bella asked confused as Zayn huffed "Is Harry here?"

"Sorry Babe, I'm all alone tonight and wait—" Bella examined Zayn's face "Aren't you supposed to be together? Its your date night, right?" Bella worriedly asked as Zayn groaned "We kind of have a fight" Zayn answered as Bella gasped "Ohgod" Bella whispered "I'm looking for him. His clothes are gone! Well, most of it" Zayn added "He left? Is your fight that bad? I mean, he'd never left even how bad your arguments are, right?" Bella said "Uh yeah.....he kind of got jealous" Zayn answered as Bella's eyes widened "Harry never gets jealous! Or at least before but....damn, he's intense when he's jealous....leaving you like that" Bella said as Zayn agrees "Anyway, sorry for disturbing you. I'll go ahead. I'll go see if he's at Niall" Bella nodded "Okay. And if you see him, fix everything okay?" Bella said as Zayn smiled and nodded.

He hopes he can still fix this.

Zayn went at Niall's apartment and when got there, he composed himself and knocked. Louis was the one who opened the door "Oh Zayn, what—what brings you here?" Louis asked acting surprised as Zayn tried peeking his head inside "He's here—" Louis immediately said as Zayn breathe a sigh of relief.

Thank God he'd found Harry!

"But he doesn't want to talk to you" Louis added "He specifically said, don't let Zayn in. Please" Louis said as he frowned "Just give him space for a while Zayn, he needs it" Louis gave out a small smile as Zayn sighed and nodded "Give him time to calm down, he'll surely reach out if his senses are back" Louis reassured as Zayn nodded "Okay Lou. Thanks. I'm a going now" Zayn sadly said as Louis nodded. Louis was about to close the door when Zayn stopped it "Oh and uh—" Zayn rubbed his nape "Please tell him that I love much" Zayn said as Louis smiled "Don't worry, I will" Louis said as Zayn stepped back and Louis closed the door.

Harry breathe after knowing that Zayn left.

He told Niall what happened. Harry just got fed up that he doesn't want to be at the same room as Zayn. He tightly pulled the duvet close to him. He's sitting at the couch with duvet all over him. He wanted to disappear for a while. His heart is aching so much.

"Hey" Harry looked at Louis who sat beside him "Hey Lou" Harry said almost a whisper. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders "Harry, don't worry, you'll be alright" Louis said as Harry buried his face on Louis's arm "How will you know?" Harry asked as Louis chuckled "I've been there. A couple of times actually" Louis started "Niall's a jealous person you know. When we were just starting, all we did was argue almost everyday because he got jealous of some chick or dude that's near me" Louis lightly laughed remembering those days "Then.....then what did you do?" Harry's now looking at Louis with sad eyes "Well, I did everything, I reassured him that I won't cheat. I gave him security that those people who are throwing themselves at me are nothing because Niall's my everything" Louis said as Harry sniffed "Listen Harry, Zayn's a guy who wouldn't cheat or wouldn't hurt you, at least not intentionally. We all known him for 6 years and in those 6 years, I didn't see him juggle dates" Louis sighed "Just, cool off okay? And think things through" Louis smiled as Harry nodded.

Louis let go of Harry and he stood "Oh one more thing—" Louis said as Harry looked up to him "He told me to say that he loves much" Louis said as he patted Harry's head and left.

Harry's heart swelled, he's indeed being immature.

// A/N: aww, poor! Its okay to be jealous. Its just shows that you really love that person sooo much. Zayn's effort though, I love it!

Anyway, what do you guys think so far? 😊😊 come on, dont be shy to comment down. Speak out what's on your mind! Lol!

Spread love and not hate! 🌈

Six Years (ZARRY AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora