Author's note

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I've been away for some months and yes, I've experienced writers block again!

Its so sad not having a plot in mind. Okay so I've been struggling of what story to write next and I've thought harder. I got seven unfinished stories on my ipad and I don't have a clue if I will be able to finish all of them.

But luckily, I'm almost done with this story and decided to publish it here. I've entitled my story six years because well, you'll know why once you'll read my AU.

Okay, acknowledgements:

Welcome my new followers! I'm almost close to 200 followers and it excites me! Also, thank my followers for being so supportive with my AU's.

Gosh, I hadn't expected that my stories will reach a thousand reads and for giving it positive feedbacks!

You guys don't know how grateful and thankful I am for your positive comments!

I'm not exaggerating or over reacting, this is what I reallt feel! I really feel blessed from your positive comments just because for the fact that I'm not a skilled writer and yet, you all have loved my stories!

Thank you for your unending support! ❤️❤️

Okay, I won't keep you waiting, here's the first chapter for Six years! 🌻


Harry and Zayn had been friends since college alongside with Liam, Niall and Louis. They've been in each other's backs ever since Freshman. Even though they belonged to different majors (Liam, Louis and Zayn as art mjors while Harry and Niall as Music majors) they get along just fine.

They find time to hang out and had fun- especially Zayn and Harry. They're always together and are close to each other. What if their closeness had lead to romantic feelings? Or where one of them falls inlove and didn't have the courage to tell the other?

What happens now?

Six Years (ZARRY AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ