Chapter 20

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Project Freelancer, Many Years Ago

I couldn't get any sleep that night. Beta's hauting words of; "you wanted to kill him" stuck in my mind. I didn't want to kill him, but Beta was analysing everything and he knows my thoughts better. I shook my head and rolled over, shutting my eyes and trying to sleep.

"you wanted to kill him," The words drifted through my head.

"Beta," I whispered.

"Yeah Mini?" he asked.

"I don't want to kill Co," I said softly.

"I know you don't, but at that moment there, you only had one thought and that was eliminate Co. Translating that, it becomes kill Co. It was just an irrational decision, don't worry." he had a hint of worry in his voice.

"Beta, tell me the truth. Please," I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to know the answer.

"I can't say much more. There's only one thing that was running through your mind. Kill. It was almost as if you were working as a robot," he said.

"And I'm not a robot," I replied.

"I know," he replied to me.

"I just... I feel really bad for what I did to him," was the last thing I said before drifting off into sleep.

I woke up the next morning on the floor. I got up, confused as to per how I got there. I probably just fell off the bed in the night. Nothing to worry about.

I put my armor on and went to breakfast. I wasn't woken up by anything, which meant my internal clock was working again. I took a banana and sat down at the empty table where I normally sit. I saw York come in. He grabbed his breakfast, but didn't come sit with me. He went and sat with Maine instead.

I sighed. He was pissed at me for hurting Co like that. Beta was right, I was working like a machine programmed to kill Co. I wasn't a machine though, my brain just... malfunctioned. Something went wrong up there and I don't know what it was.

Agent Texas came and sat across from me. I had never seen her here before.

"You did good in your training session yesterday," she said.

"Uh, thanks." I mumbled.

"You beat him up pretty badly. Hey, he deserved it after what he did to you." she cracked her neck moving from side to side. "He's a dumb jerk, is all"

"I wouldn't really say dumb jerk, but utilising the context, that can pretty much sum it up." I replied.

"Well, he's in with the docs now. Reports say he won't be ready to run for about a week." she announced.

"That bad?" I asked.

"You shattered his jaw in a few places. He needs to have a few surgeries to fix it up. Broke his nose too," she shrugged her shoulders.

"He should have put on his helmet," I shook my head.

"I've got to go, nice talking with you Minnesota." she got up and left. I wondered what all that was about? I shook it away and noticed Carolina looking at me menicingly. I tried to keep my gaze away from her, but everytime it just kept going back.

I got up and threw the whole banana away. I walked down to the training room floor and started up the training session with the blue discs.

I was hitting each one as fast as possible, trying to drown out all emotions in the process. I started to make mental lists of people I hate people I like and people that I were unsure about.

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