Chapter 26

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Project Freelancer, Many Years Ago

I stood up and looked around. My hand felt fine, so I unrapped the bandage, where the skin was still pink.

The Mother of Invention was dark. It felt like there was an intruder...

There were intruders, weren't there?

I looked around for my armour. Not in here. I was going to have to get back to my dorm without being noticed by someone... or in worst case scenario, something.That's when a blaring white light blinded me, and I shielded myself.

It was a search party, just a group full of Freelancer soldiers. They had my armour, and behind them, was Washington. I grumbled, taking my armour and putting it on. Wash handed me a battle rifle and started a COM channel.

"Insurrectionists," he said.

"Figured as much," I replied.

"Well, aren't you going to thank me?" he asked.

"Thanks," I said, not arguing with him. He was taken aback by this.

We walked for awhile not speaking when Illinois entered our COM. She was panicing and we couldn't understand her.

"I was putting the systems back online and then Co disappeared! When he got back he was bloody and I'm scared, The Director is hiding and if I don't get the Mother of Invention back up then he's going to hate me but what do I do with Co because he's hurt and I feel the obligation to help him!" she said all in one breath.

"Illinois, calm down. I'm sending Mini, she'll turn the Mother back on and you can help Co." Wash said calmly, and I glared at him. Actually, it was better if I went with Illinois because being with an oddly friendly Wash was just plain old awkward.

Wash lead me to where Illinois was with Co, whom laid in a small puddle of his own blood. Wash ran over, sending his team off to keep searching. He gave Co a med back, and some pain relievers, while I headed to work on the main frames of the ship.

There were too many screens and buttons I had to hit at the same time. "Illinois!" I shouted at the girl and she darted over, wiping her bloodied hands on her armour. I pointed at things I needed her to do, and she knew what she was doing, thank the lord.

Soon enough, the majority of our team was in the room with us. Carolina did a head count. Wash, Co, Illinois, North, South, Wyoming, York, and herself. Where was Maine?

I worked for a bit before Maine stalked in with someone over his shoulder. Bama?

"Maine," I snapped at him, and he put Bama down, who crossed her arms and slumped. He came over and growled. "You know she doesn't like you, so why do you bother?" I asked quietly.

He shook his head angrily. "Why did you bring her here?" I asked sharply.

He growled and walked away, not continuing our conversation. I went back to working with Illinois for a little bit, lost in my thoughts for the longest time.

I wasn't a big fan of Bama. She was just... Hm, I guess I didn't really have a valid reason to be her friends, nor her enemy so I just didn't like her? Maybe because her and Maine had a thing for awhile. I just... don't ship it.

I remembered the time that Maine told... well growled to me that he had slept with Bama. I was shocked, and tried to tell South and North discreetly, after she had slept with Conner, which I heard (literally heard the "OOH"s and moaning, so it was a bit horrifying) the night before, and then Conner came and attacked us. Well, tried to attack us, but then he cheated with Omicron and somehow threw me against a wall, but that doesn't matter now.

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