6. |B U S Y|

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"You little conniving bitch!" She screeched.

"Rose I-" I began,

"No, you don't get to explain," She said,

"Rosa-" Luka started.

"Rose, my name is Rose. Luka," She giggled. The rate this girl changed her mood was ridiculous.

"I don't like to be interrupted." He growled.

"Sorry," She squeaked. If I knew anything, it was the amount of hatred Luka had for being interrupted.

"Now, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, leave Seren alone. I showed up, she didn't know." He finished.

"Well, either  way, she knew that I like you and she stabbed me in the back like the little bi-"

"Don't you dare fucking finish that sentence." Luka cut her off with a growl.

"Let's go, Luke," I said, pulling his arm towards my class.

"Luke?" He smirked, his mood gone.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to, sorry," I said.

"It's fine Baby." He laughs. "I have to go to class now. See you after school."

"Yeah, see you after school."

The rest of the day before lunch was boring. Luka and I have no classes together before lunch. I went about my day normally, completing all the work given to me, declining offers to be paid to do their homework. If people actually worked, they wouldn't need to pay someone.

"Baby," I heard his voice say behind me.

"Luke?" I asked, smiling.

"I missed you." He said, coming to sit beside me.

"Of course you did." I laughed.

"Well, Baby. Want to get out of here?" He smiled at me.

"Absolutely not Mister. I have a school that I need to stay on top of." I said, laughing.

"You can stay on top of me if you'd like, Baby." He whispered in my ear.

"Yeah," I said looking at him. I felt my cheeks warm up. "Er, no. No." I said scooting away.

"Oh, c' mon Baby. You don't like me?" He laughed.

"I didn't say that Luka," I reassured him. "I just am saying, we are not going to do, anything like that with you."

He opened his mouth to speak, but the bell rang signaling next block.

"See you in history, Luke." I smiled at him.

My next block was English. The only class I hated and had with Rose. Alone.

"Well, well. Look who it is. Little miss backstabber." Rose said behind me.

I just ignored her and paid attention to Mr. Grizzle. He was going on about a book we had to read in order to make the requirements for next year.

The book was about a girl who was tied down by her mother. Her mother wanted the girl to be like herself. The girl was so upset with her fate she planned to kill herself. But, before she could she met a boy at the market. The boy convinced her not to kill herself but to run off with him. She agreed and planned that night. Her mother caught wind of the plan and locked her in her room. The girl as so devastated that she did kill herself. But not before she told her servant to find the mystery boy. The boy told her story and warned everyone that the mother was the cause of her daughter's devastating death. The woman was banned from their town and she had to pillage to survive. She had no choice and eventually died.

I read the book back in secondary school. It was good. Up until the girl died. The only reason I don't like this class is because of  Mr. Grizzle, I loved the subject. That year he had made it his job to put me on the spot. I had later found out that it was because my mother paid for him to do so.

Every day it was the same. He would explain something and assign a worksheet. Halfway through the class, he would see how far everyone was. He would make it his mission to see if everyone was understanding. He would walk around, but stop by my desk and peer over my work. I always staid on top of course, but he would look for any single flaw and point it out. '

"Ms. Lawrence, how are you doing?"  Mr. Grizzle said to me over the desk. 

"I'm finished, sir," I said to him.

"Very well, let me check." He told me, putting his hand out for my paper.

"Yes, sir." I handed him the paper. I was sure I heard an "ooh" from the seat next to me, but I decided to ignore it. 

"Very well, Ms. Lawrence, although you could have finished the essay with a stronger conclusion. Yours is weak and does not clearly state your reasons. Would you like to try again, or do you want me to keep this copy?" It was always like this. 

He always had a "good but-" sentence when he was reviewing my work. 

"I would like to try again sir. If you don't mind." Although I knew I could, he would scold me for not asking for permission. 

"Okay, go ahead and begin, the class is almost over." 

"Thank you, sir," I replied getting to work.

"Hey, Seren." I heard a whisper beside me say. 

"What Rose?" I snapped rather loudly. 

"Something you wish to share with the other class, Ms. Lawrence." Mr. Grizzle said from his desk.

"No sir, sorry," I replied. 

"Seren, look, sorry for snapping this morning. You think you could forgive me with a shopping trip after school?" Rose said to me. 

"Sorry, Rosie, I don't know if can. I'll have to see." I whispered back, getting to work on my essay. 

"Please? I know this new store that has all of the latest fashion trends." She said. 

"I don't know Rosie, I will have to see. Now please stop talking to me. I have to get this essay done." I tell her.

"Just think about it please," Rose said.

"Fine, now get to work."

I got about ten uninterrupted minutes of work, and that was more than enough to finish my essay. Rose didn't bother me again. I suppose she managed to get her packet done even, 

"Hey, Seren," She said catching up to me after class. 

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Did you think about it?"

"Think about what?" Luka said coming behind me."

"Yeah, I did Rose," I said smiling at Luka. "I can't. I'm busy with Luka." With that, I drug Luka to history by the hand. 

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