3. |S E C R E T S|

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"Your boyfriend?" Mother asked as I walked down the stairs for dinner shortly after Luka left.

"No, Luka is just a friend," I simply replied.

My family wasn't the best. My mother and I's relationship was not at all the best. Sure, she treated me like a mother treats her firstborn, but I think she secretly resented me because I wasn't a boy. My mother only ever wanted two kids, boys. She had her entire life planned well. She planned in this little notebook she keeps in the garage. When I was born she was upset but sucked it up and she became my mother, well as much as she could. She had no real life experience, at much anything. Everything was done for her. Classical IT girl in school. She was a cheerleader and got a full academic scholarship into a big college, although she didn't need it because her daddy was rich too. She was an interior designer at some fancy shop or model or whatever gave her the most press coverage. My mother loved fame. She cherished it like her second child.

My father, on the other hand, was my favorite. He worked most the time, but when I did see him we spent as much time together as possible. My father was the biggest lawyer in our town, Ellsdore. He made a lot of money, and therefore I was considered spoiled. I enjoyed my father's company, and he supported me for any choice I choose. Sure, he has high expectations, but he believes in me, unlike my mother. My father also comes from a rich family. The Lawrence's were well known around Ellsdore. My family seems to attract attention, so every little piece of information is announced to the town by the reporters who constantly stalk my parent's offices.

"Hello, Father," I said to my father as I slide into my spot at the dinner table.

"Seren," My father said giving me a once over, cringing at my choice of attire. "Darling, what are you wearing?"

"Sorry Daddy, I went out with Rose and this is what I wore," I replied, brushing off my red flannel and dark jeans.

My fathers face contorted whenever I said Rose's name. Unlike my mother, my father disliked Rose as much as I did.

"Oh Honey, What did you do with Rose?" My mother said. She adored Rose as my friend. She said how she was lovely. AndI'm sure every guy in Ellsdore High thought so too. In short, Rosemary Stringe loved men.

"We just went shopping, the good stuff." I laughed.

"What about this Luka character?" My father asked.

"He's a friend. We have an English project together." I said, spooning some potatoes onto my plate.

"Hm, is he trustworthy?" My father asked.

"I assume so, yes," I replied eating my potatoes. I trusted him, not sure my father did.

"Well if you trust him I do," he said, shocking my mother and I both.

"You actually trust him?" My mother asked.

"Sure, why shouldn't I?" He said in his booming voice.

"Well, you don't even know him!" My mother said.

"Well, who cares of that?" My father said.

I smiled returning my attention to my food. My father and I were close. He was a nice man, and I was glad that he supported me. My father became a lawyer after his father died tragically. Of course, it was terrible, but he became a good man. When he was younger he was just as rebellious. He smoked, drank went to parties and snuck out. He was a normal teenager. He knows the tell-tales of high school.

"Gerald," My mother said in a dangerous tone.

"Helen," My father said in the same tone.

"Why do you give into this child?" She asked.

"I do not give in, Helen."He growled. "I just simply said I trusted a boy."

"Exactly, Gerald, you're giving into her." She said back.

"Helen, what is wrong with you?" He snarled.

"I do not trust that boy." She simply replied. "I do not want my daughter to associate with someone like him."

"Mommy, all due respect, but do I get a say?" I chimed in finally.

"Of course, Darling." My father said. "Do you want to be friends with Luka?"

"Of course I do. He is a nice boy." I said.

"That settles it, she is friends with the boy Helen, get over it." My mother simply grunted. She had last. Father had the last word.

"May I be excused? I have homework." I said, finishing off my steak.

"Of course Darling. Study hard." My father said.

"Yes sir," I replied simply.

My family enjoyed the fame we had in Ellsdore. Both my Father and Mother were high up in the charts. I usually stayed out of the papers when I could. But everyone knows my name, they know from either my mother or father. They knew my GPA, my book choices, and relationships. Nothing about my life was private. Everyone knew the rumors. Everyone knew about everything that had ever occurred in my home. Nothing was kept a secret. Whatever went on in the walls of my home, the town knew. Unless I didn't want anyone to know. My room was the only room that stayed out of the press's view.

Luka and I's plan would stay a secret because no one will know.

u asleep?

I read the message over and over. He wanted to know if I was asleep? He was checking in.

not yet. why?

I replied simply.

call me. i want to hear ur voice

He made my heart pound.

"Hey, Baby," he said across the line.

"Luka, how are you?"

"I'm better now. You?"

"I'm great. Everything okay?" I asked, concern lacing my words.

"Yeah, everything is great. Just wanted to talk to you." He said. His words made my heart flutter.

"Oh, that's great. Good to know you wanted to talk to me." I said, smirking.

"Baby, I can hear you smirking."

"You're hooked on me," I said smugly.

"So what if I am, you're addictive."

"Are you sweet talking me, Mister?"

"So what if I am?"

"What if you are?"

"Can you meet me? At the park downtown? The one by the old preschool."


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