Chapter 2

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" Drake POV "

Virgins are not my thing.

Who would want a woman that didn’t know what the fuck she was doing in the bedroom?

I’d always wanted a woman of experience.

Where she knew how to ride, suck, and fuck my dick.

I wasn’t interested in teaching a woman what to do.

So why the ever-loving fuck have I just spent a hundred thousand bucks on this piece of ass?

For one, I blame my friend.

Coming to Cherry was his idea, and " Ian " loves virgins.

He has a thing for popping cherries.

I have no idea what his deal is.

At thirty-five years old, I thought he’d have grown out of it by now, but it seems with his latest trip, he is still very much an asshole.

Unless you take the fairytale route in the back seediness of the club, there is no way to see the girls first.

Instead, Mark, club owner and sick fuck, takes pictures of each girl and that’s what the men get to choose from.

This woman, she was different.

Most of the men hadn’t put a bid on her, but I saw something when I looked at her.

She didn’t reveal much flesh, and compared to the other women, she was on the fuller side.

Even though she tried to hide it, I saw those tits and ass, and I have to say, with her naked beneath me, I’m not disappointed.

Men are supposed to have a type, and I guess that is exactly what I’ve got.

I love a woman with some meat on her bones.

I don’t like screwing a stick or someone that complains every two minutes that it hurts.

I’m a big guy, I get it, but I’m not that big.

This woman with no name, she is everything I craved.

Even as she stares at me with a little fear in her eyes, there is something else, something dark. She wants this.

The sight of her slick cunt is evidence of that.

I shouldn’t have come tonight.

I’ve never taken a virgin before.

I don’t even know if I can be gentle with her.

Then I remember I don’t have to be.

She’s mine for the taking.
I don’t have to be gentle or give her a nice time.

I take.

I fuck.

So long as I keep my fists to myself, it’s all night long that I’ve got a willing slave in my bed.

She’s protected with the guard outside the door.

Mark makes sure his men always stay put.

After tonight, I’m going to have to tell him to find another guard because that one was paid off for a few measly grand.

I can spend that a day on meals with clients to make a couple extra million.

I’m a businessman.

Money is the currency I’m used to.

The last thing I wanted was for the guard to come in.

I don’t like having people around to watch me unless I’m the one in control.

My Bastard Boss Bought " Me "Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora