Now Isn't The Time For This Mystery (Chapter 29)

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Amy knows those woods like the back of her hand. After all, Ku's makeshift treehouse is there. How could she not know?

But the question is...where in the woods is Jamil?

It's going to take a good 'ol fashioned search. One that Amy wants to be over with quickly. Because the message sounded urgent.

"Xian can you come to the woods? The one that connects like all the neighborhoods? Hurry please..."

He texted it related to the situation that these two keep on mentioning? Maybe it is...maybe it isn't. But that doesn't change the fact that Jamil needs my help.

Are you even sure he needs help?

It could be just something those two do.

Yeah, like a hangout or something.

Um, hello? Xian is with his family right now. Not to mention he didn't even know that Jamil left.

Amy continues to walk, ignoring her thoughts. It's all just getting to her. The two conversations, the third one with Owen and's a little too much for one day.

A groan escapes Amy's mouth. It's annoying walking around with no idea. She couldn't fly and cover more land, but she could run...

That would be so ineffective. So Amy continues to walk. The treehouse is in the center of the woods and she's reached it.

Amy touches the necklace around her neck. Feelings of fear, pain, insecurity, dread, worry, and all sorts of negative emotions flow.

Which only makes her more worried. Amy takes off again, looking around to find him. She starts to wonder if feeling his emotions through a necklace is a form of invasion of privacy...

Look at you thinking so much.

Shut up, it's making my brain hurt.

Sometimes I wonder if we even have one...

That's...insulting yourself too...

I know that, it's why I said 'we' no? Catch up.

Amy's phone buzzes and she checks to see another message. It's telling her to ignore the text. Again. But Amy isn't about to do that. Oh no, she's already here.

She keeps walking around, hoping to find Jamil. Amy isn't sure if Xian would be coming, or if he's already on his way. Either way, she couldn't deny someone in need.

How do you even know he needs help?

Guys are kinda helpless.

That's a stereotype and you know it.

Okay fine, but seriously, it didn't sound like he needed help.

For all we know, he could be covering it up! The hurry please part? Yeah, that's flashing some red flags.

It does. Unless they're doing a project or something. Then it would make more sense.

We could just be out here for no reason.

Enough thinking! It's so boring! Let's just do it.

Just don't go in guns blazing alright?

Pfft, why would I?

It's what we always do. We need to tone it down. Not everything is about packing a punch.

Ghoul and Demon have a point...we're not really the best at slowing down and listening...

Then I'll try that Vampire. I'll slow down and listen okay? Happy? All of you?

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