Chapter Forty-Three: Living a Nightmare

Start from the beginning

She best run away while she still controlled the feuding monster inside her.

Flashing gowns dashed by Emoriah's gaze, as she pushed through the giggling young woman that littered the ballroom. One ought to know from the fluttering of their lashes and swaying of their hips that they were only here for one thing.

To snatch themselves a suitor.

Emoriah felt her lips curl outwards in disgust at the very thought. How pathetic it was that woman were required to do and only do one thing. To pop out an heir.

Never had she appreciated the 20th century this much until now.

"Princess Emoriah!" A very excited voice piped breathlessly.

Emoriah paused at her march towards a hidden corner, before slowly turning around towards the large pack of girls she had just pushed through.


The young girl who had spoken earlier pushed her slender frame to the front with an eager expression on her pretty face. "Pardon me, that was very wrong of me! I'm Elizabeth, your highness."

Emoriah examined the dark black hair that hallowed the girls stunning blue eyes, before swiveling her gaze across the magnificent emerald lacey gown. The gown spoke of power, beauty, and most of all money.

Everything she hated.

The women beside the dark-haired beauty appeared to have an additional uppity air on their appearance, as they were displayed in much more lavish gowns of frothy lace and horrendous pink bows.

The horror!

"Nice to meet you. Now if you'll excu.."

But Emoriah never finished her sentence for her eyes had spotted two very familiar fair faces behind Elizabeth's dark head.

Bloody hell, she shouldn't have been surprised her sister was acquainted with these daft cows.

As if her thoughts had brought forth the witch herself Sienna's slender finger pushed aside Abigail and Charlotte to reveal her sister's devilish presence. "Hello little sister."

Emoriah flinched slightly at the vicious tone thrown her way, before pulling her own sinful smirk to her lips. "You don't seem to happy to see me..sister."

"What makes you say that?" Sienna inquired, with her blazing cerulean eyes, as she flipped a golden lock of her hair over her bare shoulder.

Puzzled expressions filled the glamorized faces of the women beside them, as Emoriah and her sister stared hotly at one another bringing in an awkward air to their circle.

Emoriah would have to agree that her sister was mindboggling beautiful tonight with a tight over the shoulder violet gown that hugged her slender waist before falling to the ground in rippled waves. Her perfect golden locks were tied partially on top of her head leaving a few straight strands to linger by her pointed ears.

To say she was envious.... well that was a complete understatement.

"Your highness?" A quiet voice quipped, instantly attaining both of their attention.

"Yes." They chorused. Emoriah ignored the scalding glare blasted her way, as she turned towards the petite strawberry blonde next to the witch of a sister.

"I had heard that Lorde Kaede was your bodyguard." Charlotte said, in a rush, as if frightened she would indeed be interrupted. "Would you happen to know where he is?"

A collected gasp of giggles sprouted from the lady's lips, as they all turned their pressurizing eyes down upon Emoriah's skinny frame.


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