Cold | Arthur Morgan

Start from the beginning

He continued walking for a moment, keeping his beautiful blue gaze on the snow to see if he could spot any tracks. "Here." He whispered, waving you over to get a closer look. You peered over his shoulder as you both crouched in the snow, your chest almost touching his shoulder sending a jolt of electricity through you. "Look." His gloved hands reached out and ever so lightly grazed the snow, before looking up and into the distance where the tracks headed. "We close?" You whispered, your hot breath fanning across his ear and unknowingly causing the faintest of blushes to cross his cheeks. "Yeah." He answered, before moving forward in a slow paced crouch-walk. The crunching of the snow was barely noticeable under his feet, the sound almost not even there from how silent he was being. He continued a few more paces before stopping unexpectedly, causing you to almost run into him and send him a look. "There." He pointed, his gaze dead set on a deer grazing on the smallest patch of grass sticking out of the snow. "You want me to get it or you?" He kept his voice to a hushed whisper as to not scare away the camp's only supply of meat, looking over his broad shoulder to you crouched behind him. "It's all yours, cowboy." You smirked, amused at how he dipped his head to where the rim of his faded cowboy hat covered his expression.

He grasped the bow in his hands a little bit tighter, the gloves covering his strong hands squeaking quietly as he adjusted his grip. He slowly and silently stalked forward, drawing an arrow and knocking it when he was close enough to the deer. Slowing to a stop, he raised the bow and aimed for the deer. The arrow released from its resting position, flying through the air with a quiet whistle. "Showoff." You muttered under your breath, thinking that Arthur couldn't hear you but the look he threw over his shoulder stated otherwise. He stood up from his crouching position, waltzing over to the deer laying in a crimson pool and bent over it. You followed close behind him, watching as he lifted the deer over his shoulder and turned to you. "Alright, we should head back to our camp, it's getting dark." He spoke as he walked by you, gladly carrying the weight of the deer himself without asking you to help at all, what a gentleman.

"You need any help with that?" You asked, Arthur barely looking at you over the shoulder with the deer. "Nah, I'm alright. It's not that far to camp." He dismissed, stopping in his tracks when the cracking of ice could be heard. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched when your glance fell on Arthur's feet standing on the cracking ice. "Damn." He muttered, before the ice gave way underneath his weight and he went tumbling into the freezing waters below. "Arthur!" You screamed out, dropping your bow onto the ground and rushing to the waterline. The deer floated at the top, the water turning color and having a pinkish hue to it. "Arthur, can you hear me?!" You hollered as you brought your face closer to the hole in the ice, your breathing picking up when there wasn't any movement. The water turned still, the silhouette of a hand making its appearance in the sea of navy blue."Oh god, oh god." You muttered to yourself as you reached into your bag slung over your shoulder, retrieving your lasso and flinging the rope into the water. If Arthur wasn't already unconscious by now, then hopefully he would grab onto the lasso. "Arthur, if you can hear me, grab on!" You screeched, feeling the rope float weightlessly in the water sucked all the hope out of you.

Your eyes watered as your chest tightened, the tears spilling over your rosy cheeks and tumbling down into the snow. But a tug on the rope made you gasp, hoping and praying to yourself it was Arthur since it couldn't be anyone or anything else. You pulled and pulled on the rope, finally seeing a head of ash brown hair rise out of the water. "Oh, thank god." You gasped out, dropping and abandoning the rope by the waterline and kneeling over Arthur's shivering body. "P-p-ple-as-e t-te-ll me y-you b-brough-t a b-lan-k-ket." He chattered, taking you by surprise that he was actually speaking after being in the water for so long. "Come on, you need to warm up right now or else you'll get hypothermia." You gathered him in your arms and slung one of his arms around your shoulders, trying to heave him up off the ground was proving to be a difficult task since he was all muscle. "You have to help me." You whispered to him, seeing those beautiful blue eyes open and blink a few times as if he was just waking up from a nap. He grunted loudly as he attempted to stand, his legs wobbling like a newborn fawn and your shoulders supporting most of his weight.

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