Chapter 46

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I've been staying at my mother's place for the last two days since she shifted back. She hasn't really been her normal happy self. I can see that apart of her is broken without father, but I expected this.

She sits there at the counter in the center of the kitchen as I make her favorite tea, filling her in on everything that has happened. The last thing she remembered is me carrying her through the forest the day father was killed. Everything after that is blank.

"I'm going to make them pay for this mother," I tell her as I bring over the hot tea to her.

She let out a sigh of defeat as she looks down at the cup of tea, shaking her head a little. "No Lucious." She looks over at me with watery eyes.

"You want me to let them get away with what they have done?" I ask frowning as I think about it.

"Enough killing has happened Lucious. More killing isn't going to change or solve anything." I watch as she reaches up wiping away her tears as they fall from her eyes. "I don't want anyone else to die over this. This hatred you're holding on to will only take you to a dark place. Your father fight isn't yours to continue. I'm asking you to let this hatred you're holding onto go Lucious. It's over." She tells me.

My jaws clench as I listen to her, feeling this hatred that I'm holding inside. I just hate that they have broken my family, but they get to act as if nothing happened.

"You need to make things right with your mate." She tells me.

I let out a sigh as an image of Lisa's bloody face pops into my head, causing this guilt and pain to fill me. "I've hurt her mother." She probably hates me now and for good reason. Samuel could have killed her and I'm the one who put her in that situation.

"Make things right with her." She tells me.

"How do I make this right?" I ask knowing I've ruined things with Lisa. I miss her and I do want her to come back here with me. She's my mate and I have all rights to her no matter what anyone says or think, but I don't want to force her to come with me. I want her to come willingly like before.

"You do whatever it takes to make things right. She'll forgive you eventually." Mother tells me.

I let out a sigh not knowing how to make things right with Lisa.

Hearing the front door open I hear the sound of Tilda's voice. She makes her way into the kitchen and comes over hugging mother tightly.

"I've missed you so much." Tilda began to cry as she continues to hug mother.

"Everything is okay now." Mother tells Tilda as she hugs her, gently rubbing her back.

After a minute Tilda pulls away. I notice the mark on her neck. I guess she and Frank are good now.

"Don't cry, sweety." Mother tells her as she reaches out wiping away Tilda's tears.

"I'm just really happy that you're better now." She cries and let out a low chuckle at the same time. "Lucious was mean to me. He told me he would trade me for a goldfish if he could." Tilda frown over at me.

"She started it. She said she would trade me first." I say. Since little kids, Tilda would start things with me, then run and tell when she loses the argument.

"I can only imagine the crap you two been giving each other with no one here to keep you two in line." Mother says.

I look over as Frank walks into the kitchen. When he sees me he frowns a little. I feel myself wanting to glare over at him, but thinking about what mother just told me I just look away. This hatred I feel towards them isn't just going to go away overnight, but for mother, I'll try to let it go.

Lycan Blood/Editing (#2 book to the Lycan series!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat