However, his sisters, Husky and Slushy, were very loving and supportibe, helping him to learn how to read other dragons by observing their movements and feeling for their vibrations in the ground.

I don't find fault with his siblings being supportive since we've only really seen Winter's and Arctic's family dynamics, and both of them are royal IceWings, which automatically mean a harsher, stricter set of rules and discipline. And even then, Winter's brother wasn't too bad to him, really.

As for the names, I've seen Husky once or twice, but not usually Slushy, so that's a good thing, I think.

He started school in a poor, rundown building run by a former soldier, who took no notice that his student was deaf. Ox never told him, and it seemed that the teacher never knew about it.

Lipreading? That's the only explanation I can come up with, and you didn't explain how his teacher never figured it out.

 When Ox was four years old, he began to surprise his family by moving up the ranks until he made it to the fourth circle, where he contin8school in a much nicer enviroment. Though he mostly kept to himself save for words with Husky, who had moved up to the same rank, Ox was often bullied for not being able to hear. One student that constantly gave him trouble was Grizzly, who always jumped him while he was alone. Even worse, Grizzly was crushing on Husky, making Ox the only thing between them.


Once he left school, Ox decided to pursue a career in weaving - where his talent lay. Because weaving took concentration, Ox didn't need his ears to do it. In fact, his deafness seemed to help him remain focused on his work.

Awesome! That makes a lot of sense.

Currently, he still resides as a Fourth Circle Weaver. His deafness continues to draw Grizzly in for emotional abuse which is most often ignored or stopped by Husky and Slushy. Ox sells his woven artifacts to those willing to pay his price, and has even had Queen Glacier order a simple woven vase with an intricate design.

Oooooh! Cool!

Residence: Snow Cavern Village (Small apartment)

I love the name! Also, apartments are underused. I certainly approve.

Family: Permafrost (mother)(lightweight parchment-colored female IceWing dragon with multiple porcelain-white underscales on her neck and underbelly. Her wing membranes are a light frost-blue along with her eyes)(Name Reasoning: a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year, occurring chiefly in polar regions.)

I've seen Permafrost a few times, too, but I don't think you should be too worried about that, especially since she's kind of a side character.

Moose (father)(small, muscular, bone-colored male Ice Wing dragon flecked with alabaster-white splashes on his forelimbs and wings. He has rice-colored wing membranes that subtley fade into a dark coconut color. His eyes are arctic-blue)(Name Reasoning: Moose are the largest of all the deer species. Males are immediately recognizable by their huge antlers, which can spread 6 feet from end to end)

I like how descriptive you are! It's great, and I can envision how they look pretty well.

Husky (older sister)(large, muscular parchment-colored female IceWing dragon with multiple coconut-colored flecks on her head, chest, and wing membranes, which are colored frost-blue similar to her eyes)(Name Reasoning: The Siberian Husky, a thickly coated, compact sled dog of medium size and great endurance, was developed to work in packs, pulling light loads at moderate speeds over vast frozen expanses. Huskies are friendly, fastidious, and dignified)

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