Macao: the only thing we can do is try to get the money together have everyone pitch in more

Y/n: we can't do that everyone is already pitching in as much as they can besides everyone is also helping Alzack and Bisca with their wedding remember we can't ask them to pitch-in anymore it will affect their livelihood

Wendy: y/n's right we can't ask them to do that

Wakaba:So what do we do??

Macao: I don't know

Y/n: I do we need to go on more difficult jobs they pay more

Macao: are you crazy there's no way I'm going to let go on S class quest your not ready

Y/n: I don't mean S class jobs I know we aren't ready yet but what about some of the monster kill quest or dealing with dark guilds

Wendy: yeah that seems like the best option at this point

Macao: Not everyone is ready for those quest besides you two maybe Alzack and Bisca can actually do those quest

Wakaba: and everyone will feel guilty that you four are doing all the work and might try to do one but get themselves killed

Y/n: so we don't tell them hell we don't tell Alzack and Bisca yet either

Wendy: why?

Y/n: their about to get married we should let them enjoy it for awhile besides only a couple of these jobs a month should be enough

Wendy: Yeah we can handle a couple jobs a month

Macao:alright but you will only be allowed a couple jobs a month and you will get them from me don't tell the rest of the guild they have enough to worry about

End of flashback

The next day me and Wendy left on our first big mission which was a monster hunt to hunt down a monster in a forest near oak town that was probably the hardest quest we had ever been on we got the beast but It wasn't with out its consequences we were both drained by the time we got back to oak town we had to rest for atleast three days before we made it back to fairy tail with just enough for the payment that month 6 months later Bisca and Alzack were married and everyone attended the wedding except we dint stay at the wedding the whole time because Wendy and I left towards the middle to go on another job to ensure the payment be on time after that twilight ogre kept the payment at that price for 2 years then they increased the interest increasing the payment but now there was even another reason not to tell Alzack and Bisca or anyone else little Asuka who was now 18 months old we can't ask her parents to go on dangerous missions that could leave her with out one of them or even leave her an orphan no way so me and Wendy have kept the secret and it stayed like that so they don't actually know all our power but because of this secret neither Wendy or me have ever participated in the Grand Magic Games and so the guild has been relegated to last place every year and even tho all our friend a ask us to join in For the games we cant because they still don't know about the payments being increased right now all four of us Kuro,Carla,Wendy and Me are rushing back to the guild to get the rest of the payment so Macao can make the payment but when we made it back to magnolia we saw smoke coming from the guild across town we started running the Carla and Kuro picked us up and started flying us there

Kuro: do you think it's Thibualt  and his crew again

Carla:who else would do such a stupid thing

Y/n: well if it is them I'm going take that club of his and shove it where the sun don't shine

Wendy: let's hurry before they wreck the whole place

When we got to the guild we came in thru the two sky lights we had installed for occasions like this when we landed I saw thibualt and his crew were on the floor but there was a group of people at the door I dint recognize them but everyone else was shocked in place no one took their eyes of the group of people behind the smoke until I saw one of the group with a huge smile on his face....

When we got to the guild we came in thru the two sky lights we had installed for occasions like this when we landed I saw thibualt and his crew were on the floor but there was a group of people at the door I dint recognize them but everyone else w...

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Winner of the new look is


So this will be the new look Alright guys

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So this will be the new look Alright guys

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