escapril #26

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girlhood / boyhood

for a long time i was scared of femininity. when i was young, i remember saying that i would've liked being a boy better. i still can't wear skirts nor dresses without feeling uncomfortable. but i realise today that it is all okay. girlhood and boyhood, or everything in between, don't have to follow stereotypes to be valid

you can be a boy and want to lay down in flowery fields, humming in the wind. you can be a girl and want to spend the day playing soccer, running fast and scoffing at your dirty knees. you can be neither or both and still be someone

wear makeup or don't, watch romantic comedies or action movies or both. never be ashamed of who you are, because a gender cannot lock you away from what makes you happy

beyond the words that qualify you — you are you. you are complex, an infinity of feelings and numbers and sentences sometimes not making sense. you radiate the beauty of being human

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