I stick my tongue out at the person and they pretend to be hurt.

"How dare you do that to me! Everyone loves me!"

We laugh some more, then it wanes. I sit down on the chair that is right next to the bed, then, lean back and stare at the ceiling.

The man goes back to where he was before, then a doctor comes in. I stand up and look expectingly at the doctor. He comes over to the person sleeping on the bed. Then he moves the person around a bit, checking everything.

"Just what I thought. We're at seven. I'll be back in a half hour, we should be ready to go by then. In the mean time, please change into these."

The doctor hands me and the other man a pair of scrubs. Great.

"Do we really have to wear these?"

He smiles lightly at me.

"Don't worry, they aren't too uncomfortable."

With that, the doctor leaves the room and closes the door. I roll my eyes and drag my feet to the bathroom that is connected to the room.

I take off my boots, holster, and my light jeans first. Then I pull off my gloves, unzip my jacket, slide it off, and pull my black muscle tee over my head.

Now I pull on the annoying scrubs and slipper like things. It makes me feel like I'm the patient. I shudder at the thought. (I had to wear these once when I was sent to the hospital last year for...not good reasons. They are not fun to wear)

I pick my clothes up, and head outside the door where I see Dr. D, the other man in the room, has already changed.

"Man, you take longer than a girl to get changed. But I guess this is you we are taking about, so it makes sense."

I roll my eyes at him and sit back in the chair, placing my clothes underneath it.

"Why do we have to wait so god damn long. Haven't we already waited enough?"

Dr. D sighs...again.

"You are still young. You're only what, like twenty six? You have a lot to learn young man."

I roll my eyes and sigh. Here comes another lecture.

Not soon enough, the half hour passes and the doctor comes in with some other doctors and nurses.

The man in white starts checking a few things before we start.

"Someone wake her up. We're at ten!"

I turn to the sleeping woman and gently shake her arm.

"Wake up. It's time."

The girl's eyes open and meet mine.

"Seriously, I do not want to do this. I'm going back to sleep."

She closes her eyes once again, but I grab her and sit her up.

"No! It's going to hurt! I'd rather live with it!"

I laugh at her stubbornness.

"C'mon. It can't be that bad. You're overreacting."

She gives me the death glare which makes my smile stop.

"You're not the one going through this, Party."

I throw my hands up in surrender, then the doctor intervenes.

"Sorry to interrupt your argument, but we have to start, like now."

She rolls her eyes but cooperates. They lay her almost all the way down and move her legs up.

"You're probably going to want to hold someone's hand for this."

I hold my hand out to her and she quickly takes it. Then, Dr. D does the same.

"Okay you ready?"

"No, not at all."

"Too bad, start pushing."

She starts to push and scream in agony at he same time. Not to mention it feels like she's breaking my hand as well.

"C'mon! You're almost there! Keep pushing for a little bit longer!"

She starts screaming, then yelling at me.

"God dammit Party! This is all your fault! I hate you!"

The doctor starts to laugh.

"Don't worry, all women do this. They don't actually mean it."

Well that's good to know.

"And it's out!"

There's the sound of crying and the woman breathing heavily beside me. She thankfully releases my hand, letting me walk over to the doctors to try to see what they are doing.

They don't let me see for a few minutes, but then they hand me something wrapped in a blue blanket.

"Congratulations. It's a boy."

I smile down at the baby boy in my hand. His eyes are slightly open, revealing the blue-gray eyes all babies have at first. But I know they will eventually turn hazel.

"Hey there little guy. I'm your daddy, and I already love you so much. Over there is your mommy and I'm going to bring you over to her now."

I walk over to the bed and hand the child to his mother. A smile forms on the mother's lips as she coos her newborn.

"Party, what should we name him?"

I think for a moment, then the perfect name comes to me.

"Poisonous Scene."

Brutal smiles.

"I love it, the combination of our two names. It's absolutely beautiful, just like him."

I kiss her lips lightly.

"And just like you babe."

My wife blushes then smiles down at him.

"Our little Poisonous Scene. Created out of our love. I never thought I would ever get this far in life, but I have, all because of you. I love you Party Poison."

"I love you too Brutal Scene."


Thank you for reading this book. I completed it a while ago (as some of you may know) and had a sequel for it. But I didn't really like how the sequel came out so I got rid of it and added this ending. Maybe one day I'll add it back, but for now, this is the end. Thanks for everything, see you!

When The Sun Comes Up (PARTY POISON FANFIC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora