Chapter Eighteen-Planning

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Brutal's P.O.V.

"B-Brutal? A-are you r-really there?"

I look into Party's eyes and put my hand on his cheek.

"Yes, it's me Party, but they are alive too."

Before he responds, someone else calls out to me.


Party let's me stand up so I can respond Bullet. Before I face her I see everyone is staring at me. I don't blame them.

"Yes, I'm here and alive. No, there is no more wound. Also they are alive."

I show her the masks in my hand. I have no clue how they got there though, and I guess Bullet doesn't either since she's looking back and forth from the masks to the mailbox. I'm guessing when I came back they just appeared in my hands.

"B-but how?"

"I'll explain everything when we get back to the gas station. Now let's go."

The boys pile into their trans am and us girls pile into our Mustang, then head off to the Dead Pegasus.


"Gather around piggies, it's story time."

I'm sitting on my bed at the gas station, and everyone is sitting down on the floor in front of me. Well everyone except Party, who is sitting down next to me. He tries to grab my hand, but I pull it away, which causes him to look down with sadness written on his face. I honestly don't really care...that much.

"Well so after I blacked out, or died I guess, everything was black. I called out for someone, and there was actually a response. When I asked if it was the Phoenix Witch, it was like someone turned on the lights. The person who responded was actually the Phoenix Witch."

Some of them gasp. If I were them, I would as well. It's not everyday you hear that someone met the mythical Phoenix Witch.

"She looked like a old woman, but she was covered in feathers and had this weird mask. I asked if I was dead and she told me that I was, then showed me all of you guys crying over my body. Then she told me that it 'wasn't my time.' I don't know why though, but I am thankful.

Anyways, right before I came back she handed me the masks and told me 'I only need things from dead people.' I was confused and tried to ask her what she meant, but she just disappeared. That's when Party kissed me and I came back."

I left out the part about the bomb because I don't even know if it's real. And even if it's real, I have no clue how to activate it. Plus, this is probably a lot to take in already, judging from their mouths hanging agape.

"So you're a zombie?"

This causes Bullet to smack Ghoul's head.

"Owie Bullet. It was a legit question."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

I laugh at them, trying to lighten the mood. Soon everyone joins me, which makes me pleased since they were all so sad before. Once the laughter dies down, I continue to speak.

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