Chapter Twenty Two-To The End (Part One)

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Brutal's P.O.V.

We're all sitting around discussing what to do next. Now that Lock and Star are basically good as new, we're all kind of bored.

Ghoul keeps on naming really terrible ideas. Good thing he isn't the leader.

"How about we build a giant stage so we can have more concerts!"

The now unchained Lock and Star look at him confused. I guess I forgot to tell them that they're The Mad Gear and Missile Kid.

"Oh well I might have not mentioned this, but they are The Mad Gear and Missile Kid. Party is the singer, Kobra is the bassist, and Jet and Ghoul play guitar. That is also where we got Missile's name from."

I mess up Missile's hair which makes her giggle. She is so god damn adorable.

"Oh wow, I love that band. Star always wanted to take us to Hyper Trust to watch you guys. That did not happen for some strange reason."

We all laugh at Lock's sarcasm, but then it gets serious again.

"Seriously guys, we need to do something. We can't keep on sitting around like this."

I stand up in my seat, getting an idea. (And no it's not MCR)

"I agree with Jet. I know exactly what we have to do."

They all stare at me expectingly. Oh yeah I have to tell them.

"We can rally up every single killjoy in existence for a final battle. We're all sick and tired of just sitting around, so why not. Why not just end this whole fucking thing once and for all?"

A few of them nod, but the rest look at me like I'm crazy.

"We could do that. I do wish that this whole thing was over, but I just don't want to die."

"Well Phoenix, that's why we'll have every single killjoy. We'll have a fucking army. I'd like to see them try to take us down."

"I don't know Brutal, we don't know how many killjoys there actually are out there. I don't think any of them got a second chance like you."

"C'mon Kobra, you know that you'd love to do this. Actually, I know you all would love to. Just stop thinking about the downside. We can do this. We can win."

"Okay fine, how about we take a vote. Majority wins. Got it?"

Party stands up next to me and continues.

"Whoever does want to go, raise your hand."

Bullet, Ghoul, Psychotic, and Jet raise their hands. Including Party and I that's six out of eight.

"Okay, majority voted for one final battle! Now, how are we going to call out to every single killjoy?"

I give Party an 'are you kidding me' look.

"Dr. D of course! He literally speaks to every single killjoy every day! If we get him to say it on his broadcast, it'll surely reach everyone."

"Okay okay, let me go call him up once we figure out what to say."

"How about that in three days there's going to be a final battle. Every single killjoy against every single Drac and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W. The battle will start right as the sun comes up, so we can arrive there during the night and use the darkness to cover us. This is the battle that will settle this dispute once and for all."

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