Chapter Twenty One-Since You've Been Gone

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#Sorry not sorry for making the title a Kelly Clarkson song

Brutal's P.O.V.

Isn't so great when everyone is arguing? It's just fan-fucking-tastic, especially when their arguing about something that involves you.

"We can't just leave them tied up! They're people too!"

"They tried to kill Brutal! Her own fucking siblings!"

"Guys! They're obviously brainwashed by Korse!"

This has been going on since I woke up, three hours ago. I let out a deep, loud sigh, remove Missile, who was sitting on my lap, and stand up. Then I march to my room and slam the door, letting them know that I'm not okay with this. I sit down on my bed and stare at Lock and Star, who are now fully awake.

"I wish that day would've never happened. You don't know how hard it was to lose you."

They don't look at me, just stare at the blank wall across the room. Lock and Star don't even react when the door swings open.

"Brutal, I'm sorry about all the fighting. We're just trying to figure out what to do. It would really help if we had your input as well."

I turn to Party and look him in the eyes.

"I just want my fucking siblings back. Korse probably put them on the fucking happy pill, so they'll be in fucking withdrawal. Maybe in about a month or so without the fucking pill they'll be back to normal. I know what Korse fucking said, but I don't fucking believe him."

Party nods slowly at me then calls in everyone. He tells them what I said, without all the fucks, and they agree.

"Okay, so let's try to get them to eat and drink."

As Psychotic and Jet go to get the food and water, I walk over to my siblings and take off the duct tape. When the two come back with the food and water, I order Ghoul and Kobra to hold their heads in case they try to resist.

"Okay, give them the Power Pup now, then wash it down with the water."

Psychotic and Jet do as their told and start giving Lock and Star spoonfuls of the dog food. They try to move around, but Ghoul and Kobra's grip won't let them. Soon enough they finish the whole and water bottles.

"Well, that was a not so good start."

I elbow Bullet in the rib cage and she yelps. Whoops.


We've been doing the same thing every single day for the past two and half months. Lock and Star are pretty much back to normal now. I've even had some conversations with them, but it's still kind of weird talking to them.

Tonight though, I'm going to try to talk about everything. And by everything I mean what has happened since they've been gone.

"Hey Brut, you okay?"

I look up to Party from my spot on the front steps and smile slightly.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking."

He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. I leave there because I don't feel like causing problems right now.

"Look, I know you're stressed. Hell, we all are. But just know you're not alone. You have four girls and four guys wanting to help you in any way they can. And one of them, may want to help you even more then the others."

When The Sun Comes Up (PARTY POISON FANFIC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt