Part Sixteen

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Prue's POV~

I know it's late, but I really need to try to talk to Asra again.

I run until my lungs can't take it any more, then I slow to a swift walking pace until I get to the tree where I gathered Asra's magic before... where my name is.

"Oh, please don't bite me this time." I whisper as I cautiously place my fingertips on my name. It begins to glow with warm magic, and then turns sour and bites at me again. "Hey! I said no biting!" I glare at the name as the glow slowly fades to nothing after I pull my hands away.

I rush over to the fountain and pray to the universe he's somewhere near the bath tub, and hopefully it's got water in it. I hover my hands above the water and concentrate only on the thought of Asra. His gorgeous face, his sweet voice... his fluffy-cloud hair. I giggle at the thought of how beautiful and messy his hair is.

"Prue?" I hear him, and when I open my eyes, his image is there. "Oh, Prue! My dear, sweet Prue! I am so, so sorry for the way I treated you last time, I- what's wrong with your eyes?" I look down at the blurry image of him, and immediately rub at my eyes again.

"Th-they've been like this since a little after lunch today... it only happens when I've spent time around Lucio. B-But don't get mad! I-I-"

"I know, you have to. I don't like it, but I understand. I'm not upset with you." I sigh in relief, and the pain in my eyes spikes again.

"Gah!" I squeeze my eyes shut and press on my eyelids with my hands, but it doesn't help. After a few moments, I give up and my hands drop to my lap, my eyes hazily looking down at Asra. "Oh, Asra... what do I do? I'm miserable here. Lucio just told me he was going to make me stay... and he's begun to scare me. The last few days, he's been so nice... and now I fear he's showing me his true colors." I look away from him, and my vision gets worse as tears gather in my eyes.

"I... I can't tell you what happened before... unfortunately, you have to figure that out for yourself. But, as soon as you do, please, call upon me and we can talk about it. I'm here for you always, dear Prue." I look back to him, and can just make out the basic colors and a few blurred features of him.

"I can hardly see you, Asra. My vision... ugh." I feel the tears streak my face, as I give up and close my eyes.

"I'm still here. Focus on my voice, Prue. I'll never leave you. I promise."

"And... I promise I'll come back to you. I promise. I promise..." I dissolve a little more into silent sobs, and a few moments later, I feel two soft hands on my shoulders. I uncover my eyes and open them, looking in front of me. I can make out a rich purple, and some tan skin and green clothing.

"Hush, Darling Prue... come here." I let Nadi pull me into her arms and lap, and I just quietly sob for a long several minutes.

When my tears have stopped, I look up to her, though I can't really make out the features of her face very well, and the pain is excruciating.

"Th-thank you, Nadi."

"Of course. I know you miss your Magician..." she turns to look down at the water and my sight follows hers, seeing that Asra has left for now, "but you can't leave quite yet. You still have a couple memories to unlock, from me and my unfortunate husband. But... I know you can't stay... so I'll do everything in my power to get enough of your memories back, for the Count and I." My gaze snaps back to her, and the pain and blurriness lessens a little, letting me make out her eyes.

"Oh, thank you, Countess. Thank you." She gives me another hug, then helps me up and stands as well.

"Now then, let's get you to bed. Your eyes look very pink and foggy... you must need more sleep. Before I came out here, I had a few servants make you some soup and I sent it to your room- please make sure you eat it and drink the water there for you before you lie down." I nod as we begin to walk back to the palace, my hand resting on her arm.

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