Part Two

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     Prue's POV~

When I wake up, I yawn and stretch, and then roll over-

To see Asra, right there- he's so close to me that we're practically touching noses.

I gasp quietly, bumping his nose with mine in the process. I freeze and watch him stir, but stay asleep, and I sigh in relief as I roll to lie on my back- and then I sneeze.

"WHAT?! WHAT'S THERE?!" Asra shouts, sitting straight up in a split second. I try to sink back into the pillows and blankets as far as I can, as he whips himself around to look at me. "Oh, it's only you, thank goodness. Bless you, Prue." I feel the heat on my cheeks bloom, and he smiles so sweetly at me. "Did you sleep well?"

"Y-you're in bed."

"Yes, Prue, this is a bed." He chuckles.

"B-but, I slept here..." Realization dawns on his face, blush blooming on his caramel-colored cheeks.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Prue. I must have sleep-walked here. I'm so used to sleeping in my bed that if I fall asleep somewhere else, I end up here anyway." When he sees I don't quite believe him, he jumps to his own defense. "Really! I've even sleep-walked all the way from friend's houses before."

"Okay, okay..." he sighs in relief that I believe him, finally.

"Come on, let's go eat breakfast, okay?" I nod, and follow him out of bed and down the stairs.

"So, what are we making?"

"We?" He asks over his shoulder at me as he pulls a teapot and a pan out of two cupboards. He continues on his mission of getting ingredients and such. "No no no, not we, I am making waffles and tea, for breakfast. Don't you worry your pretty little mind about it. Just, find a comfy place to sit, if you want to keep me company while I cook?" I nod, then realize he can't see me because he's paying attention to the food in the bowl he's mixing.

"O-okay, I will." I stutter. He's so breath-taking, he makes me nervous.

But strangely, he seems familiar?

"Now, Prue. Do you know anything about those men that were chasing you?"

"No, I don't, and I wish I did. I had no idea why they were after me... until right before you saved me. One of them said that they were fetching me as a prize for their master... which terrifies me."

"As it should- Lucio is ruthless when it comes to something, or someone, he wants."

"Lucio? As in Count Lucio?" I stand from the counter I am leaning against, shock all throughout my body language and facial expression- I can feel it. I walk up to Asra in urgency, and he turns the burner off. "What could he POSSIBLY want with me?" He turns to me, taking my hands in his from their place, which was clutched together in front of my chest.

"Well, you're quite magnificent, Prue. There's so many things I- he, could want from you. He's a disaster of a man, and a terrible husband to the Countess, but he's determined, that's for sure." He sighs, letting go of one of my hands to grab the plate of waffles he's made, and he holds my other hand while leading me into the dining room, through a very intricately-woven curtain. "Here, sit." He lets go of my hand and sets the waffles down, then gives me a soft look. "I'll be back with plates and such, okay?" I nod, and he disappears through the curtain.

Count Lucio???

"I'm just so confused." I groan, lying my head on the table, hidden in my arms.

"I know, but we will figure this out, and keep you protected in the mean time." Asra says. I look up and see his arms full of plates, forks, cups, a steaming teapot, and syrup. I give him a 'really?' Look, and he shrugs as he sets everything down.

"I could've helped, y'know." He laughs, making me really smile. He's just so... pretty.


Over breakfast, we talk about Lucio and brainstorm some ideas of what he could want from me, and how to keep me safe- and several of the things Asra comes up with about Lucio wanting me are, to say the least... lewd.

"That's DISGUSTING!" I raise my voice as I shove myself up into a standing position, and I swear the shop shivers. In shock, I freeze, wide-eyed and staring at Asra. He's mirroring what must be my expression right back at me.

"Have you ever considered yourself magical, Prue?" I rub my temples, then begin pacing behind my chair.

"Wow, this is a lot. First, I get chased, then, sucked into a magical door, then I meet this incredibly handsome magician that apparently ALREADY knows me, and I then find out LUCIO, THE FREAKING COUNT wants ME as a PRIZE?! And to top this all off, I MIGHT AS WELL BE A MAGICIAN TOO?!" With my arms and hands flailing about dramatically, tears begin to well in my eyes from all of the overload of emotions and information. I stop pacing and sigh, putting both hands on the back of my chair for support. My head hangs, causing my hair to fall in my face- just as well; I wouldn't want Asra to see me cry- or anyone, for that matter.

Asra stands, moving closer, and reaches out to me, lifting my tear-streaked face with his soft hand, his left hand finding my right one.

"I know it's a lot... but what did you say?"

"Uhm, I-I was chased, and sucked through a magical door."

"No, after that..."

"I'm a magician? Lucio is after me for a prize?" He shakes his head again, gently.

"Before that." I think for a moment over what I just spilled emotion about, trying to figure it out... then it clicks. My eyes go wide and my cheeks flame, forcing me to quickly look away from him.

"I-I... I said I met this... incredibly handsome magician... that already knows me." I mumble the most of it really quietly, but in my peripheral vision, I catch a quirky, sly smile.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." I roll my eyes and subtly smile. Sighing, I look at him and smile a little more.

"I said I met an incredibly handsome magician that already knows me." He breaks out into a smug grin, and he slides his hand from my jaw, down to the back/crook of my neck, on the left side of me. His eyes soften, and before I realize it, he's laughing.

"You've always had this way with words, Prue. Come on- I think it's time to get you dressed in a real disguise, and make a run to the market." He stands, enchants the contents on the table to clean after themselves, leans down, and kisses the middle of my forehead. "Oh, and you're the mystifying one, Dear Prue."

"... nu-uh, you are." I say under my breath, my face a burning magenta as I follow him up the stairs, with no idea what he has in store for me.

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