Part Fifteen

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     Asra's POV~

What was she thinking?! My fingers are knitted into my hair with worry and anger.

"Damn it, Prue! Now they'll never let you go!" I smack the bath water, splashing it everywhere. Some hits my face and shocks me, and in turn, it snaps me into realizing how I treated her.

"Oh... oh no. What have I done?! Oh, my dear, sweet Prue... wait! Maybe she's still there. I-I can just-just call her back-" I try again, but all I sense is the water being full of turmoil. I can't reach the other side because something is disturbing the water... a lot.

"No... Prue..." I rest my head on the side of the bath, kneeling on the ground.

For the first time in a while, I just... let it out. In this moment, I'm not strong. I'm not capable.

And I just sob.


After I take a very short bath, I drain the tub and dress for bed. I then flop onto the cushiony mattress into my horde of blankets and pillows.

"Oof!" I immediately sit up.

"Faust! Are you alright?!" I say as she slithers out from under the pillows.

"Alright, Asra." She curls up on my lap, and I sigh while giving her head scratches. "Missing Prue?"

"Yes, Faust. I'm missing her, so much." I say as I blink tears away.

"Get her!" She says, standing somewhat to look into my eyes.

"It's not that simple, Faust. She's under summon by the Count and Countess." Faust seems to roll her eyes, lying back down and turning away from me.

"Didn't stop you before." She mutters at me. I fall back onto my pillows with a huff.

"Again, it's not that simple. If she was in danger, I'd break right in and steal her back... but she says she's safe. Faust, what if she never comes back? This deal she made... what if she doesn't get enough memories of each of them? What if they make her a Royal like they've threatened? They'll imprison her there... and Lucio is in love with her. She said she has to play back, otherwise things will get bad..."

"Blegh! Lucio." Faust's obvious distaste for the Count makes me laugh.

"Yes, Blegh. He's an awful man who always finds a way to get what he wants... and that's what I'm worried about. He wants Prue... and I know he will try anything to keep her."

"Stop him!" I roll my eyes, and she slides upward to coil on my chest and stare at me with an attitude.

"Faust, I can't! There's no way for me to help her. The only way she can get out is if she remembers enough about them- and they're the only ones that can trigger those memories." Faust rolls her eyes at me, then lies down and goes back to ignoring me.

"Lazy." I scoff, and she goes to sleep. I place my hands behind my head and stare up at my ceiling. I entertain the frivolous thoughts of dramatically breaking in and rescuing her, falling asleep with a smile on my face, despite the sour mood I had been in all evening.

     Julian's POV~

"Mazelinka, I'm home!" I call, stepping through the door just as the sun is coming up.

"And where's Prue?" She asks as she grabs a pan for breakfast, I'd assume.

"Well... she's still at the palace- woah!" I dodge her swing of the cast-iron, barely saving my head from a major concussion. "Mazelinka! Wait! She has to stay there! She got trapped in a deal with them." She calms down, and leans against the counter.

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