Part Ten

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     Muriel's POV~

Back to the dungeons again...

I sigh. There's no use in fighting. If I do anything, they'll hurt Prue. I can't live with that.

Suddenly, the carriage comes to a stop, and the guards haul me out. We must be here-

This isn't the coliseum. It's right outside the marketplace.

"Halt! We have orders from the Countess to let the scourge go." One of the new guards say.

"Let him go? No!" One of the ones near me shouts back.

"If we don't, we will all be severely punished. It's been threatened." The guards sigh and unchain me, then push me away.

"Filthy scum." The one that shoved me spits, and they climb into their carriages and ride away.


Prue actually did get me out of this. She really would do anything for me.

With a feeling I haven't had in a while, I plod back through the city, through the forest, and to my home. They still won't find it- everyone forgets who I am.

"I'm home, Inanna." I say, and she comes running to me as I close the door. She sniffs me, and I walk to my bed, but she stays at the door and whines. "They have her, Inanna... there's nothing we can do now." She whimpers and droops her head, then walks over to me and leans heavily against my leg.

"I know, girl. I know." A tear slips down my face, and I let it, as I weep for my sister.

     Asra's POV~

I wake up, eat, quickly get ready to go, and as I'm heading out, I run directly into Julian.

"Agh! Why are you here?" He blushes and looks away.

"I-I uh... I wanted to come with you to get Prue." I roll my eyes and groan.

"Fine. Come on, then." He lightens up, meeting my fast pace as we blaze through the city.


When we arrive, the energy is negatively charged- something is very wrong.

"What is it, Asra?" Julian asks, concerned.

"The energies are bad... they're so negative. Prue?! Muriel?!" I shout, throwing open the door in a hurry. Muriel is just lying on his bed, crying.


Something is terribly, terribly wrong.

"Muriel, where is Prue?!" He doesn't move at all, and Inanna whimpers and whines.

"They took her."

"They?!" My voice cracks, my throat closes up, and my heart drops into the pit of my tangled stomach. My eyes become blurry with tears, and Julian is a stuttering mess.

"N-no. Th-They didn't. They c-couldn't... y-you said ah-she'd be s-s-safe h-here!" He rounds on me, also crying.

What a bunch of men we are, bawling and sobbing like babies. I try my best to be calm, and focus through the overwhelming amount of sadness.

"M-Muriel... t-tell us what happened."


When he's done, we are all proper messes. It isn't Muriel's fault. He made the safest choice for everyone.

After we calm down, I wipe my face and clear my throat, standing up.

"Well, we cant help her if we just sit here and sob. Let's figure something out... point out some facts."

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