chapter 4: turf wars

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The 2 go in the lobbies to start the turf wars.
Cyan is carrying dynomo roller and violet is using octo blush and they team up with 2 other inkling that is 1 girl, 1 boy, so they were on pink team up against dark blue team.
Stage: Piranha Pit
*Ready, TURF*
The pink team split up while violet goes with cyan because she doesn't know much about the turf wars. So violet, you must splat your opponent and don't worry they won't died because we have respawn base, so after splating them you need to cover the ground with your ink as many as you can. *Violet nods slightly, and she split up from cyan to cover the uninked floor herself but then a inkling boy with an paintball mask came to her with his carbon roller, then he immediately start to roller after her. But due to her quick reflex and speed, she juke him to the side and splat him with her octobrush* t-that was scary for a bit...
(While at cyan who was inking the Convoys belt and use it for speed and goes over one of the inkling and splat her and land on her feet) that was co-cool, violet thought to herself then get splat* "then she respawn she shake her head
1 minute left and she goes to ink on the enemy zone, but unfortunately she was attack by 2 inkling, that the same one that she has splat and other one with fillies chase after her. •so she got a plan, that she decided to bait them, which she did and then use splashdown to splat both of them*
After the match the 2 walk out and decided to go get some drink*
wow vio you're not bad at turf wars, I mean your at the second place even though it was your first game. *But violet is quiet* aw don't be scare. I-I don't like to be ar-around these crowd of inkling *cyan then decided to take her to crusty sean. Better now, not much squid here now *violet nods shyly* good want some drink? Y-yes, I would choose I-inkmoothie [which is smoothies]
*Later the 2 drink together but 4 see them and decided to sneak up* so as I say, I would li-, Miki: BWAHH! *Scare cyan from behind and cyan fall off her chair* MIKI WTF!?! Miki: stick tounge out and run while cyan chasing, while violet watch them giggling softly*

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