Chapter 14: Appetizer Teaser

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Dean was waiting for me on the porch, his eyes lighting up as I stepped out of the house in my black joggers, dark gray t-shirt, and black boots. Without a single word, he nodded to the blue F-150 in the driveway and started making his way to his truck.

I paused with my hand on the passenger door, looking at myself in the reflection of his spotless truck. My blue eyes were darkened to an almost gray with the dark colors of my outfit and my blonde hair was stuck disheveled in the only way it ever was. I looked good, but the thought of going on a date with this couple...what a weird situation. That didn't stop me from hopping into Dean's truck.

"We're gonna pick Colt up and then head to this place on the water in Olympia. Colton picked it out, said it'd be a great first date location." Dean made his usual conversation, filling in the gaps of Colton's gestures. "He'll get better over time, I promise." Dean chuckled as if reading my mind. "I swear, when we first got together, I thought I was gonna kill him with how little he verbally communicated. Took me a while to pick up on all his subtle cues."

"I've already kind of gotten used to it," I shrugged. "I like his whole comfortable silence thing. Makes plenty of room for all your talking." I jabbed, a humorous smile crossing my face.

"You and that mouth are gonna end up in trouble if you don't watch yourself," he warned with a devilish look in his eyes.

Last week, I was beating a punching bag until my fists bled over the fact that I had betrayed my friend by kissing his boyfriend. Now, I was going on a date with both of them. Fucking Rainier.

We pulled up to a modest house on the outskirts of town where Colton was already sitting outside waiting for us. His white t-shirt clung to his body as he stood from the front steps and made his way towards the truck with a black leather jacket in hand. He filled out his dark jeans in the best possible way and I had to remind myself to not be inappropriate when the front door was opened and he was standing only inches from me.

"Hey." He grinned, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek.

"Here, I can hop in the back and-" my voice died when he quirked his eyebrow and looked over to Dean.

"Don't even think about it." Dean chuckled as he flipped up the console and pat the middle seat.

Of course they were gonna make me sit in between them on the drive. I shifted over to the left before Colton hopped into the seat and shut the door, not leaving any room between our thighs. Resisting the blush that was attempting to creep onto my face was near impossible; however, I forced myself to look forward and keep my hands to myself.

"Right, don't think about how a couple is taking me on a date while they're dating each other and-"

"Loosen up, Caden," Dean chuckled as he ruffled my hair, cutting me off before pulling out of the driveway. "So, Colt, you gonna tell him the news?"

"What news?" I asked, looking over to my right.

"Normally, we get new team captains every semester, one for fall and one for spring." Colton supplied. "This year I got made captain of the year though."

"Oh, so you're GOOD good at lacrosse?" I teased.

"He's the best," Dean corrected me. "He's modest about it, though, just like you with your tennis skills." Dean made a jab at both of us.

"I haven't even started bragging yet," I complained.

"No, but we saw some videos online and some interviews after your championship matches." Dean taunted.

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