Chapter 4: Restless & Breathless

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With closed eyes, I took a deep breath. The stale air of this old gym was going to get old fast, but the sole reason I ended up at this stupid school was here. I opened my eyes to once again devour the sight that was the indoor tennis facility. Though there were only three courts, it was still a glorious sight in a town where rain seemed to fall at some point every day of the week.

I had just spent the last hour talking with the tennis coach and working out a practice schedule to pull me out of the normal physical education class. Unfortunately, she could only work with me three days a week; however, with my record she was more than happy to give me as much attention as I needed. Back at my old school, I was more than just another player on the team. With two state championships in Mississippi, I had made a name for myself early on.

My feet carried me out of the facility to the parking lot where the sun was starting to break through the clouds. There was a practice field on the other side of the lot where some boys were running drills, I'm guessing in preparation for upcoming tryouts. Team sports were always kind of funny to me, having to individually prove that you were better than other in order to play in a group where you aren't supposed to be a star.

I tossed my backpack into the back of my old car, choosing to ignore all of the oddities of today and simply leave it all behind. Only a few more years and I'll be done. I cranked the car and headed home for another uneventful night here in Rainier, Washington.


That night, I had some of the most vivid dreams of my life. When I woke, though, the details were all gone. I sat in the darkness with sweat dripping from my body and no idea as to what had happened other than those two feelings...the shiver of an icy stare and the warmth of voices I didn't know.


The rest of the week went on without any incidents. I saw Colton and Dean around school, both of which always seemed to know when I was in the general area, but I made no effort to speak to them. I still wasn't exactly sure what had been going on that first day, and wanted to avoid anymore awkward encounters with those beautiful strangers.

Trisha was becoming an ever present fixture in my life, though. She insisted on sitting by me in both Pre-Cal and Physics, and only ever left my side during gym class when we went to the locker rooms to change. At first, I was bothered by her constant presence, but she was growing on me.

By Friday, we were in casual conversation on our way to lunch when she asked me if I had my eye on anyone at the school. My mind instantly went to both Colton and Dean. They were complete opposites when it came to how they communicated with me when we met, but at the same time something about them was so similar.

"No," I lied.

"You are a liar!" She giggled as she dramatically threw open the doors to the cafeteria.

"I am not!" I laughed with her.

"Mmhmm," she gave me a knowing look that sent a blush to my face.

"Cut it out!" I rolled my eyes at her, truly wishing she would drop the topic I was most trying to avoid.

She didn't say anything else about it, but grabbed me by the ear as I attempted to slip away to eat lunch in private as I typically did.

"No way, you are not going to be a recluse all year." She scolded as she dragged me over to her usual table. My eyes widened with fear as she sat down and I stood there awkwardly at the pretty people table. More than just their eyes were on me, though. It felt like half the cafeteria was waiting for what came next: whether I would sit with them, or be thrown out by them.

"This is him?" A girl asked in an unimpressed tone as she gave me a once over.

"Janet, play nice," the guy beside her laughed.

"I-uh-I'm just gonna-" I had never been so intimidated by a group of people in my life. It wasn't just their physical appearance, though. Something else had me shaken to the core. It was like I was an outsider that NEEDED their approval.

"Take a seat?" A deep voice came from behind me, finishing my sentence. No. No no no no no. Absolutely not. Why? I turned to find Colton closer than anticipated with that patented quirked eyebrow.

"Colt, give the boy some room to breath," a less deep, but equally as nerve wracking voice chimed in. Why? Really? Just why? I don't deserve this. I really don't. Dean had materialized at Colton's side and I was now trapped; but instead of it being a rock and a hard place, I was stuck between rock hard abs and a hard as fuck standard to meet.

"Hi." That was it. That's all I said. My eyes flashed between the two of them, not really sure who I had just said hi to. Did I address them both with that hi? I don't know. I honestly don't know anything right now because I'm not breathing.

"Oh my gosh, just sit down Caden." Trisha tugged me down into a seat. "And boys, stop being so...that. You're scaring the little fella."

"Don't call me a little fella." My temper flared at her before Colton sat between us and I swallowed hard. Of course, my attempt to divert my gaze ended up finding Dean on my other side and what the fuck. Really? I'm done. I'm just gonna choke myself out. This was my worst nightmare.

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