Chapter 15: Sticky Control

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"So I'm standing there, blood dripping down my chin and I throw this desperate left hook," I mimicked the move mid-laugh, "no fucking plan after that, just hoping for one last lick before I pass out."

The smile on my face stretched from ear to ear as I recounted the story. Colton was listening to every detail intently, leaned forward with his elbows on the table and eyes locked on me through each word. Dean, on the other hand, had his chair angled towards me but kept his eyes out on the water as he listened. I looked back and forth between the two of them periodically, but Colton's eyes held me with that dancing light they had. My brain went fuzzy and my mouth just stopped working altogether.

"So?" Dean prompted, gaze on the setting sun.

"What?" The response was more of an automatic acknowledgement, as I was held captive in the sea of green gazing at me from across the table. It was like I was still here at the table with them, but also somewhere far away. There were trees and meadows and warm rays of sun and...something in the shadows...

"What happened next?"


Dean looked over at me before following my sight line. Colton jumped, then scowled at his boyfriend. As soon as I was free from his stare, I was fully present back at the table, but at a loss for words.

"You know what that was for." Dean said simply and took a sip of water. "So you threw a wild left...?"

"Yea!" I dove back in. "I didn't think I had any weight behind it, but the crack his jaw made when I caught him by surprise was the most satisfying sound I've ever heard. The dude stumbled a bit and wet himself. I literally knocked the piss out of him." I laughed uncontrollably at my own story.

Both of them seemed amused with something about my story, sharing one of those silent looks.

"Y'all are really good at that." I mumbled scooping up the last bite of a roll from my now empty plate.

"You'll understand one day." Dean gave his typical vague answer.

"I can see the headlines now: High school boy murdered by mysterious classmates." I joked.

"You're much too fun to kill." Colton spoke rather seriously.

"Of course you'd say that, you're the alpha male that gets off on the thrill of the hunt." I rolled my eyes, letting the private thought roll off my tongue like it was a comment about the beautiful sunset happening on the bay.

Colton seemed satisfied with my response, puffing his chest up a bit. Of course he liked to be referred to as an alpha male. They both did. If there was anything I'd learned about them over the last several weeks, it was that Colton and Dean were in far more control of their surroundings than I originally thought.

"And," Dean added as he reached over to rest his arm over the back of my chair, "we don't know what we'd do if we lost you."

I was expecting to feel heat rushing to my my cheeks under both of their stares, but instead felt it running much further south. Dean's arm felt like a brand on my back, searing comfort and security into my entire being. Something else came over me in that moment, something so instinctual it was almost primal. Without a moment of hesitation, I pulled Dean closer by his shirt and crashed our mouths together.

This was only the second time I'd kissed Dean, yet we fell into rhythm with one another as if we'd done it a million times before. He'd completely taken control the last time we'd done this, even giving me a show of strength for challenging his authority afterwards. This time, though, I forced my tongue between his soft lips and tasted him deeper with no resistance. His beard tickled and scratched in the best ways, something he'd been growing out since the last time we'd kissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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