Trick idiots and find Marian

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"The General has an apprentice?" Lavi said as he stared at Allen, not really believing the white-haired kid.

"Yes, training under him is the worst thing in the world! All he really makes me do is force pay off damn debts and he also just throws me in front of akuma to kill!" Allen said, "anyway, you're looking for master, why?"

"The Noah are hunting down Generals and exorcists, we are the ones tasked with finding General Cross," Lenalee, the girl who had introduced the three of them to Allen after the incident, told Allen. Allen was sitting on her bed, as she listened to the three who had entered her home, tell her what they were doing. She got up from her spot after they finished explaining.

"You're not going to find him at his rate you're going, so I'm going to help you find him," Allen said to the three teenagers in front of her, 'it won't be the Millennium Earl's Noah who is going to kill him, it's going to be me after I get an explanation from him!'

"Che! What makes you think you can find the general, Baka Moyashi?"

"I have my ways, BaKanda. I know him better than anyone else," Allen replied, 'if he keeps calling me a goddamn beansprout when I get out of my disguise, he's getting a kick to the dick!'

The Next Day, at the town near the mansion:

"Oh! Allen, you finally decided to look for Marian, have you?" the bartender asked as the four entered the inn.

"Yes, I am helping these guys find him. How are you today, David?" Allen said to the man. She had started up a conversation with David and had gotten three rooms for them.

"Why did you get three rooms? You can just sleep with us, Moyashi-chan," Lavi said to Allen.

"Well, I'm not used to sleeping with others. Plus, there are only two beds in each room," she replied, "well, it's getting dark, the mansion is really far away from the town, so I'm going to get some food before I go to bed," walking towards the dining area of the inn.

Later, in Allen's inn room:

Allen sat down on the bed, she had a very annoyed face as she said aloud, "where are you?"

"Why would I tell you, I'm fine by myself, and you're not meant to go out of the Mansion, he's going to be angry with you, idiot," the same voice from before said.

Outside Allen's inn Room:

"Who are you, Allen Walker"

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