Chapter 5: New Girl

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It was Friday and every student was on the edge of their seats just to leave the classroom. The school bell rang and everyone jolted out of class for lunch. Bill and his crew got out, Richie, Stan, and Eddie looked at Bill.

"Come on Bill, lighten up!" Said Eddie, backing up to pat him on the back.

"I'm not s-s-s-sad, Eddie.." He responded.

"No? then what's up?" Eddie questioned, worried.

"I couldn't sleep last night," Bill answered.

Everyone looked at each other, surprised. Bill looked up and saw everyone's faces. Bill thought they felt it too that one night.

"d-d-did you guys feel it t-to? o-o-on Monday?" Bill questioned.

Stan and Eddie nodded their heads. Richie looked at them, weirded out as he slept like a baby that night. Richie looked ahead and saw Beverly, walking towards them. Richie warned Bill and the gang, "She's coming, she's coming!" whispering. Bill lifted his head and looked behind him. Beverly winked, opening with a, "Hey guys" before leaving to the lunch area. Bill seemed to wake up after that. 

The club followed Beverly to the cafeteria, getting their sandwiches and juice boxes. Eddie brought himself lunch though, He didn't want the countless amount of germs and hairs on his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Once they got their lunches, they sat down near the corner of the lunch tables. second grade through eighth grade was sat in the same lunch area, only the first graders have their own lunch tables. You could still see the first graders through a door,  however. Beverly was lost in thought as the boys were talking about some stuff she couldn't hear. But, Beverly caught herself looking through the first grader's lunch area, seeing a girl who was sitting by herself. Beverly heard there was a new kid in school and so thought that she was the new kid. She didn't understand why she would hear about it if the new kid was in first grade though. Her thoughts were interrupted when a few girls walked up to the new kid, one giving out a hand. The new kid grabbed her hand and what Beverly now calls, "bullies" threw her on the ground and laughed. Beverly got up, running to the rescue, The boys didn't even notice. 

She knows she's not supposed to interfere with first graders, but she couldn't pull herself to walk away from the bullies. She ran to the new kid, 

"You know, It's not nice to treat people like that" Beverly said in the new kid's defense, helping her up. She could now see up close what the new kid looked like

"Aren't you suppose to be in-" The bully was interrupted

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"Aren't you suppose to be in-" The bully was interrupted.

"That doesn't excuse the fact you pushed her, apologize," Beverly demanded.

The bullies looked at the new kid and then ran to the teachers to tell on Beverly. Her noticing, she began to go run out, but stopped and said, 

"Name's Beverly, meet me after school, okay?" She said, finally running away. "Later!" she yelled.

The new kid just looked at her and tilted her head, waving goodbye with a smile.

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