The Storm Before The Storm

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⚠️ TW:high⚠️

Ashton's POV

"Hello?" I answer the phone, confused as to why Patti is calling me.

"Ashton, oh good." She sounds worried.

"What's going on, Patti? You're scaring me."

"Do you have any idea where Ember might be? She dropped Paislee off and said she had to go do something. But I can't get a hold of her. She looked bad."

"She isn't at the apartment?" I panic slightly.

"No, she left here about two hours ago."

"I'll check my place and let you know. Shit. I should have made her come with me to take my family to the airport."

"Find her please? She looked sort of like she did last year, I think this court date is starting to really get to her. Paislee is safe with me but we need to make sure Ember is safe too."

"I will. I'll let you know when I find her." I turn quickly, changing my direction from Ember's place to my own.

"Siri, call Cal." I speak up as soon as my call with Patti ends.

"Ashton, what's up, mate?" Calum answers happily.

"Hey, have you talked to Ember in the last couple hours?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Patti just called. She said Em dropped Pai off and left, but she didn't have a good feeling about it."

"Is she not at your place?"

"I'm on my way there now. I don't know. I was dropping my family off at the airport. She seemed okay this morning though."

"How close are you?"

"About twenty minutes out still with traffic."

"I'm at home, that's only ten. I'll head over and call you if she isn't there."

"Thanks, Cal. Patti being worried makes me extra worried."

"She's been a mess about this trial thing next week. I'm heading out right now. See you soon."

"Yeah. I'll be there as soon as I can." I sigh nervously.

~two hours earlier~

Ember's POV

"It's been almost a month, Pai, but we are finally back to normal around here. No more traveling to visit family or having family here." I grin at her as she plays with her princesses.

"Ass?" She looks at me quickly.

"Ash will be back in a bit. He isn't going away like everyone else." I chuckle.

"Okay!" She goes back to her toys and I pull out my phone, logging onto Twitter.

oh my gosh!! @embere96 has a 5sos tattoo! Anyone else getting a crazy manipulative fan vibe from this new knowledge?

@embere96, why a 5sos tattoo? You already stole Ash from us, do you need more attention??? Crazy fan for sure!

maybe @embere96's 5sos tattoo is old? That song came out like five years ago, and she would have been old enough to get it then. Trust Ash 5sosfam.

she got all of Ashton's family in on her plan too. Good thing she isn't trying to take over a country, manipulative bitch might just be able to do it.

Trusting FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon