Chapter 17

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*'Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance but you still catch my eye'

Berry went to the office as usual on Monday. For some reasons she was expecting a lot of changes since she had last attended office. But nothing had changed. Everyone was busy with their jobs. She had certainly expected Victor to behave differently but to her surprise, he was as casual as if she had been coming to the office regularly. He normally ordered his coffee, asked her to do his tasks. There was no hostility, no intent glances, nothing. They were working as if they were nothing but an employer and an employee.

She wasn't sure what annoyed her more. His constant humiliation or total ignorance. It was as if he was totally indifferent about everything that has happened between them. Maybe it's a normal routine for him. Lead someone on and then leave them as if nothing has happened between them.

It was a week later. Berry and the rest of the employees were gathered for an announcement. Victor had called everyone to gather there that afternoon. Standing amongst the swarm of people, Berry wondered what was the special announcement about when Susan tapped on her shoulder.

"So, what is it about?"

"How would I know that?", Berry shrugged.

"Well, you are his assistant. You are bound to know everything. Right?"

"This time I'm just as clueless as you. I don't have a clue of what this is all about", which was strange, Berry wondered. Victor always informs her before. So that she can prepare accordingly.

After some time she saw Victor and Mr. Wild walking in towards the small podium.

"What is our old boss doing here?", Susan raised Berry's own confusions.

Berry could only shake her head at that.

Mr. Wild came in front first and greeted everyone.

"Good afternoon everyone. I know what you all must be thinking. And no I'm not joining the company again. I'm enjoying my retirement a lot", he smiled, "but there are going to be some major changes that are going to happen in our company. Victor and I and the rest of the board members have decided that 'Wild Constructions' is going to be acquired by 'Asel Group',"

A commotion started amongst the employees. And there was a reason for it. Asel Group' is one of the biggest Construction company not only in USA but the world. It has been credited with constructing many high rise buildings in countries like Dubai, Hongkong, London. Infact 'Asel Group' have been their rival in many tender projects. Why were they doing this deal?

"I know what you all are thinking. But I assure you, you will not be affected by these changes. Our deal agreement is done. So no one will be losing the job. All that will change is that you are going to be working under them. So their rules and regulations will apply. But that will also mean that we will have better guidance as Asel is one of the oldest construction companies in America".

"But won't they be controlling our day to day functioning?", someone from the crowd asked.

"Things will change for sure. But your work won't change. You will still be required to do the same work", he assured.

"And how does Mr. Wild feels about getting dictated on how he should function from another authority", another person asked referring to Victor.

Mr. Wild and Victor looked at each other for some time. Then Mr. Wild replied, "Victor won't be working with 'Wild Constructions' anymore. He will leave the company as soon as the acquisition process is finished. He will be needed to acquaint your new boss to the company. But he will leave soon after".

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