Chapter 15

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*'Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow'


Berry had came down with an acute food poisoning. So she had to take two days leave from work. She was feeling a lot more better now.

She went to sleep after setting an alarm for the next day. After two days she was sure that she was going to face a lot of pending work at office.

The sound of her phone ringing woke her up. She opened her eyes to check the time to realise it's four in the morning. She picked it up to see Dr. Smith's number.

After receiving the call she put down her phone carefully on the side table and sat up on her bed. In the early hours of morning there was no sound. It was a pin drop silence. She stayed at the same position for some time. Just sitting there and breathing.

At 3:45 a.m. on seventh of November, Hubolt Bloom had passed away.

Berry mechanically got up, got changed and went to the Nursing Home. There, one of his father's nurse, Amy was the first person to meet her.

With shivering lips Berry asked in a low voice, "I thought everything was fine Amy. He had a surgery which was successful, then how, why..."

"Relax Berry", Amy put her hand on Berry's shoulders, the woman was always kind to Berry, "it was time Berry. He was in pain all the time. Just because he was not able not react that doesn't mean he did not feel the pain. Some deaths are good Berry, it's better than the painful living. Your father was ready", Amy took her in her arms and tried to calm her.

"But I was not ready. Amy I was not ready". Berry kept on crying but she knew herself that her father have been released. From the crimes he had committed in his life, he had paid a lot of price for that. He needed the freedom from the pain, from his body.


Berry reached her office that day half an hour late. She could have taken the day off but she was scared to go home alone. Working might keep her distracted from what happened that morning. It felt like it had happened in a dream, that her father isn't actually dead, it was just a dream.

The moment she sat down on her desk, her phone started ringing.

"Come inside", Victor ordered.

Berry got up from her chair and went inside his office.

"You're half an hour late", Victor barked and looked at her with malicious eyes.

"Yes actually Mr. Wild I was..."

"First you were on a leave for two days and then when you finally decided to show up, you came here late? And also without informing anyone. Who do you think is going to do your work? You are not paid here for charity. This is not your home that you can come whatever time you please. I don't tolerate laggards".

"But Mr. Wild.."

"Miss Bloom, I don't know what fantasies you are entertaining in your mind but let me tell you, this is your final warning. One more mistake and I will fire you. Don't think you are irreplaceable. And what is it that you do anyway? You just sort files and type on the computer. A high school graduate can do that. And you are not even doing that. God what a waste. Now don't just stand there. Go and do your job", he finished his castigation.

"I quit".

He looked up from his work, surprised, "What did you say?"

"I quit. I quit. I cannot take this bloody nonsense of yours anymore. You are a vile, self loving bastard. And I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I can't even stand to look at you. Take your stupid job and shove it up your fucking ass".

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