Jae Is Dead.

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Y/N's POV.

As soon as I woke up with Haechan facing me I smiled. I took my phone off his mini dresser and check the time. My eye widened as soon as I see what time it is. It's 6:12 in the morning, I'm freaking out cause I have to get home before my parents. I quickly shake Haechan awake. "Bae, can you drive me home. Cause they're going to check if I'm in my room." I said and Haechan put on some slippers.

"Come on, I'm up." Haechan said grabbing the car keys. "Wait, need to put on my shoes." I said and Haechan picked me up bridal style. "I don't want you to get in trouble, for leaving the house. Cause I won't be able to see you." Haechan said rushing to the car strapping me up. "I love you." Haechan gush ruffling my hair and I giggle. "I love you, too. Now, let's stop be cheesy and get me home." I said and Haechan agree getting in the driver seat.

Haechan was speeding so fast, like it's crazy. I'm shocked the cops ain't out to chase his ass. But, overall Haechan's impression is great towards me and Jisung. Like, for you to be my man you gotta be cool with me and my chicken little (Jisung 😂). Like, he's amazing so far and is very gentleman. Everything, about him is attractive oddly. I feel like I'm under a spell when I'm with him, even though at times I'm awkward.

My phone buzz signaling I got a text. My mom text me telling me they're almost home and they got to talk to me. That's weird cause its been forever since we had a family discussion. Haechan parked in my drive way 2 minutes later. "Bye baby." I said and peck his lips. "Can I come over later?" Haechan ask and I nod a yes. "When my parents leave for work again. I'll text you to come over." I said leaving the car going inside the house zooming into my room.

I went on Wattpad for my remaining time waiting for my parents to come. Yes! My author updated the psycho story I was reading the other night! So excited to see if she's going to stay with him or report him to the cops. I read a little of the chapter until I heard a knock at my door. Knowing it's my parents I opened the door and turn off my phone but saved my spot in the chapter.

"Y/N, sit down we need to talk." My mom said as I sit on my bed with my dad standing by the door. "We'll get straight to the point because we'll have to get back to the office." My dad said fixing his work tie. "So, dear we found out that you know your best friend in middle school. Don't freak out but Jae committed suicide and his parents died too." My mom said which shocked me. I felt a tear drop on my cheek and hugged my mom tightly.

"Oh dear, don't cry you'll make me cry." My mom said rocking me tightly about to cry. My dad walked over and grabbed my mom. "We have to leave, now." My dad said as my mom left my room. My dad walked over and hugged me before he left. I pulled my hair cause I'm feeling so damn much. Yeah, Jae was my best friend in middle school. But, when we started 9th grade he changed so much.

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Haechan's POV.

We all already know I was the one that killed Jae and his parents. I made Jae look like he committed suicide. After, I hoped through his window quietly and hid in on the other side of his bed. I expected Jae to be asleep but he was still up texting his group. I thought about it and I'm not going to kill the rest of Day 6. I'm going to kill them if they dare bully her or talk to her. Periodt.

Anyways, like I said Jae was texting his little buddy. I watch their conversation for a while. It's pitch dark in his room with his brightness all the way up. I seen the one conversation about Y/N. Jae typed she's just a thirsty sugar baby with that man at the party. I bet he got payed to be her hot hook up. As soon as I seen that text message I was real pissed.

I hopped quickly on his bed and gave him no time to block. I stabbed him once in the stomach and watched his phone fall. I grabbed is phone and text on his group chat. I'm an wannabe popular and Y/N will never love me so I'll kill myself. I smiled wickedly in satisfaction and pure evil pleasure. It's so fun to kill again. I plunged the knife out of him and killed his parents who were asleep peacefully. I killed them for making that bastard together.

I rather these sweet parents to not wake up in the morning, to find their only son dead. I rather good people like his parents meet him in Heaven. I kissed his mom on the forehead and his dad. I hate when good people have to suffer consequences cause that's their son. I walked to their kitchen and put on gloves that are undetectable of fingerprint. Then, grabbed the knife similar to mine and went back to Jae's dead body. I then plunged the knife back in the same spot.

Just out of pleasure I threw his body out the window with the knife deep inside his stomach. "You're welcome, bitch." I said simply smirking at my artwork. I cleaned my bloody knife and washed my hands. When, I get home I'll change my clothes and go to Y/N's house later.

I was laughing uncontrollably walking to my car as I twitch. I'm so satisfied with myself and my murders are becoming better by the minute. Oh Y/N, it's all for you my love. I'm for just you my dear. I finally have you but not all of you. I drove home and washed up quickly.

2 Hours Later...

I text Y/N to see if I can come over yet. She texted yes and I shut off my phone. So, we can eat together and I'll bring fuzzy slippers that I bought for her a year ago. I'mma change this little present into a thank you gift for accepting me. I smiled kissing the box and I started to drive to her house. I pulled up to the driveway minutes later.

She let me in with tears in my eye which I pretend to act surprised. "Come let's go, talk on the couch." I said pick her up bridal style laying her on my lap. "M-My ex best friend died." She sniffled as I rock her back and forward. "Shoo! Shoo! It's okay, baby." I pretend to be caring but smiled softly brushing her hair with my hands.

"Let's go eat to get things off your mind and I bought you some slippers." I said helping her put on the custom made slippers. "Thank you, Haechan for being here with me." She said making me blush. "I'll always be here." I smiled holding her tight.

To Be Continued...

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