Trial and Error

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We all glanced at each other nervously, scared of what was about to happen and hoping we had enough information to avenge our classmate and save ourself. But at the same time fearful of convicting a classmate for murder.

With a bad feeling in my stomach I mustered up all of my strength and starting walking to the big red doors I had noticed during my first time exploring.

After we all gathered outside the red doors nervousness had flooded my senses. It's all I could feel. What was going to happen once we got inside? What if we made a mistake? Is one of us really a killer? I couldn't help but wonder...

Sudden the doors opened by themselves...revealing a large room with identical sixteen podiums. Each podium had a golden name plate on it I'm assuming this was to show who stands were where. My stand was located in between Katsuki and Misaki.

Other than the podiums there was a large golden throne with a velvet red cushion. Monokuma was seated ontop of this throne. Seeming happy with himself.

Lastly there was a portrait of Omar placed at his stand with a cross over it appearing to had been written with fresh blood.

After we had all gotten to our stands and surveyed the room we where ready for our first trial. Well physically ready emotionally not so much. But we didn't have much of a choice.

Monokuma laughed while sitting happily in his throne. "Welcome to the trial the way this works is you all argue to guess the blackened" Monokuma explained

"If you vote correctly only the blackened dies but if you vote incorrectly everyone dies! So make sure to work together and share all your information or don't I don't really care what happens to you!" Monokuma said while laughing insanely

My heart sunk....if we can't do this we all die. Everyone....everyone but a murdered. The reality of the situation had finally sunk in after this trial at least one more person would die.

Yuu decided he had to be the one to start the trial "Alright, I have experience with trials so we want to view everyone as a suspect until we can prove them not to be the killer! Now normally I go by innocent until proven guilty but this is a faster way."

I nodded in agreement "Seems simple enough"

Amai was still heartbroken from the death of a fellow classmate...yet she was able to contribute to the discussion. "Me and Sansa where with each other" she stated while sobbing slightly...poor girl tears were still rolling down her cheeks.

Sansa smiles removing her time with Amai "Yeah that's true we were hanging out outside my room waiting for Omar he was supposed to come and teach us some calming yoga poses" although seeming happy it was clear she was distraught by the death of Omar.

Misaki smirked "Maybe they worked together huh!?" She questioned. I could tell she felt like she wasn't helpful and this was her way to contribute. But I should tell her pointing fingers isn't a good method.

"No it's to early to come to that conclusion. For now let's focus on the rest of the alibis" I stated "I was with Misaki"

Yuu seemed to be taking notes "So Sansa, Amai, Misaki, And Sora probably aren't the culprit"

Misaki scoffed "There is no way I'm the killer I wouldn't get blood on me it's gross! Plus I was with Sora the whole time!"

Everyone seemed to ignore the first part of the sentence. "What if you And Sora worked together?!" Sansa asked jokingly.

I flinched did Sansa really think I was capable of murder.

"No that's wrong!" Misaki yelled

"Alright I guess I should speak now" Katsuki said with a smile. "I was having fun talking to Shota!"

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