Chapter 1: To the White Wolf

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I kept flying despite my unwavering exhaustion. I had been flying for days, haven't slept a full night in months.

My stomach was constantly turning with anxiety since the moment the Queen of Terrasen was captured by my Queen. I had been so hopeful as my Dark Queen released the Lion and her Commander from the blood oath. I had held my breath, waiting in anticipation that she might release the White Wolf as well.

But she didn't. The Queen with fire in her veins went into the iron box and the White Wolf kept his chains.

Every day since then had been hell. I couldn't do anything as the White Wolf was ordered to stay with the Queen of Terrasen as she was ripped apart and put back together each day. I felt his hollowness and pain. I felt it as his brother killed himself right in front of him, to the Dark Queen's amusement and command.

I felt the pain as he was dying. As he broke his blood oath and battled already broken. I screamed and screamed but could do nothing. Nothing.

I hadn't seen his death. I had dreamed so many deaths and victories and secrets that I couldn't believe that I hadn't dreamed of his death. Maybe it was because of my lack of sleep.

But then he lived. He got away with the Queen of Terrasen and sworn a blood oath to her. I should have been happy, but he was off to fight in a war that might destroy the world.

My Dark Queen, who I was blood sworn to, lost her army as she was exposed as a Valg. The fae turned on her and she left without me, ordering me to Mistward until her return. I wanted to fight and kill. I had so much anger and fear in me but I could do nothing in the small fort filled with demi-fae but wait.

I waited.

And waited.

Until one night, sleep came so gentle and I saw a dark war. I saw the Lion die a brave death. I saw a healer turn a Dark King into dust. And I saw the White Wolf go after the Dark Queen and she struck him with her darkness earning him a bloody face. Then he was crying. I couldn't see what happened next but there were wolves on the battlefield and the Dark Queen turned to ash.

I woke up with a scream and knew what would soon happen. I packed what little I had and waited by the gates until it happened. I felt the bond in my soul snap and the pain was so agonizing that my power frantically wrapped around me as if to protect me from a threat and I scorched the field around me.

As soon as I calmed down and the pain was a bearable sharp pain in my chest, I howled "Maeve is dead! Maeve is dead! Queen Aelin won the war!"

The guards on patrol had looked alarm but smiled as they realized the queen in the north had won an impossible battle.

I couldn't help my smile and laugh of joy as I turned into a barn owl and flew west. I flew to a boat and when I made it to Erilea, I flew to Terrasen. I flew to him, the wolf.

Terrasen took my breath away. Beautiful orange flowers bloomed on the endless green hills surrounding the capital, Orynth, that glowed with a warmth. It felt like peace. It was hard to believe that a war had happen only a month before. The signs were there, the land around the wall protecting the city had an unevenness to it caused only by battle.

I landed on the wall next to a patrol that eyed me with awe. The day too young for a barn owl to be out conjugating with guards. But I needed to take it in for a second, maybe I was delaying seeing the Queen and the Wolf again. I wasn't sure what I would say. So, I sat there with the guard.

"Blink twice if you're a fae," he said cautiously and I hooted at him. When he began to call friends over, I flew away.

It didn't take long to find a balcony on the castle to land on. I landed on the railing and looked into the glass doors that led inside to a music room. I thought about just walking in but rejected the idea, not only was it rude to barge in but I was also the Queen's enemy's ally. So, I opted for going in through the front of the castle.

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