Even Prince Charming needs rescuing sometimes

Start from the beginning

Just then my cellphone started to ring. And surprise, it was Fatima.

" Sarah are you ok ? Where are you ?" She asked worriedly.

" Zack told me you were missing. I was looking for you ". I told Fatima.

" What ?! I just talked to Zack a couple of minutes ago. He told me he was looking for you !"

Something was clearly off I realized. Zack was nowhere to be seen. I started stumbling in the direction of the staircase. As I came closer I could make out Zack quickly jumping up the steps.

He was adjusting something in his hands. As I neared him I realized it was a gun.

I was now almost directly behind him. I saw him lift the gun and point it at something in front of him. My eyes followed the direction the gun was pointing at. It landed on Aiden and the lady trying to make it up the steps.

Many things registered in my mind at once. He was here after Aiden. He was going to use that gun to kill him. I felt paralyzed with shock and fear.

He then pulled the trigger. Only a tiny clicking sound came from it unlike the ear piercing boom you usually expect from a gun. I wouldn't have even realized he had shot at something if not for Aiden suddenly hissing in pain and clutching his arm.

Zack pressed the trigger once more but nothing happened. " Fuck". He muttered under his breath. Without wasting time he placed the empty gun in his pocket pulling out another one.

" Oh no please. " The old lady beside Aiden begged tearfully.

By now I had broken out of my trance.
Without thinking I did what first came to my mind. I lunged at Zack from behind. He tried to shrug me off his back resulting in both of us tumbling down the grand staircase.

A shot escaped from his gun but the bullet only hit the magnificent chandelier above raining hundreds of crystal shards over us.

We finally crashed at the bottom of the stairs. Every part of my body ached and I could feel something warm trickle down my forehead.

I tried to get to my feet but felt an arm wrap around my leg and pull me down. I fell to the floor beside Zack who was now reaching for my throat.
" You bitch !" He growled. I felt his hands close around my throat trying to strangle me.

I kicked him in the stomach with the pointy toe of my shoes. It would have been more convenient if I was wearing my favorite red platforms instead of these tiny kitten heels.

I gave him another kick in the stomach and tried to crawl away. Zack wasn't giving up however and I saw him move towards me.

Suddenly he cried in pain. I heard two tiny clicks and suddenly patches of blood appeared on Zack's jacket showing that he had been shot.

He fell to the ground with a thud. The empty look in his eyes showed that he was dead.

" Are you alright ?" I heard Aiden's voice. He was running down the stairs holding a gun in his hand. He helped me up to my feet.

" Where did you get the gun from ?" I asked.

" It's not mine. When you jumped him the creep dropped it on the stairs. " Aiden replied.

Suddenly I felt dizzy. The room seemed to tilt. Aiden was saying something but I couldn't make it out. I felt strong arms grab me keeping me from falling. Then I blacked out.

Aiden's POV

Flames lashed angrily at the hotel building's façade despite the desperate efforts of the fire rescue team. A huge crater had opened up stretching from the gate to the main entrance.

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